I'm an agronomist and I can only see activities that I create.
What is an AdHoc Agronomist.
There are two reasons users can't see clients after logging onto the Scout app.
What are direct connections and a current season.
The activity types that are recorded in the Farm Performance Report.
What are Actuals.
This is the minimum field information necessary to create a field plan.
What is a crop.
The number of seasons a user should select on Step 1 in NRx.
What is one.
I'm a farmer with a paid subscription and I can't create work orders on my farm's fields.
What is a Basic subscription.
An activity that can't be created by combining the information from multiple field plans.
What is an Actual.
These additional steps are required for planting a crop on a field without replacing the original crop on the field.
What is Blend/Reason and Crop Use.
This type of template has a refresh pricing option.
What is a Crop Template.
Vision to soil test layers on a field that was moved from one client to another requires this step.
Submit layers for surfacing.
As a paid subscription farmer in Agworld, I can see and run custom reports in Agworld but I can't create new custom reports.
What is a Basic or Plus subscription.
An sync error numeric series typically indicating an issue with the Agworld server(s).
What is 500.
This feature allows the user to bulk convert activities and set due or completed dates differently that those on the activities being converted.
What is Workflow | Job Activities.
A grower controlled setting under what icon in planning gives multiple users access to my fields' plans.
What is the Gear icon.
Zone and Mean yield selections in Step 2 of NRx are available only with this layer type.
What is yield.
As a corporate farmer in Agworld, I can't see recs created by this kind of agronomist connected to my client companies.
What is a Trusted Agronomist.
The types of layers viewable on both the iPad and iPhone Agronomy apps.
What are soil test and yield layers.
This input type's weight is not included in the application rates of dry applications.
What are seed inputs
Creating a field plan on a field using the Agronomy app requires the use of this feature.
What is a Crop Template.
The error, "Key not present in the dictionary," in NRx indicates this issue.
The formula has exact spelling and/or capitalization issues with 1 or more of the layers.
This subscription is needed for the user to be able to View All Company Clients
What is an Agronomist Professional.
I have approved plans in Agworld but I can't see them on my iPad app after syncing successfully.
What are the user sync exceptions set to "No Plans."
This is done to my field's crop plan / budget if I discard a planned activity for that field.
What is nothing.
In Find and Replace, this Criteria selection is needed to select Variety.
What is Field Plan.
A formula created in Nutrient Rx is valid (pencil icon is clear), but this problem arises when running the formula.
Check the minus (-) signs in the formula. Some copy functions create an oversized minus sign that is read as a double minus.