Final Jeopardy Topic: CWCC Episode 1
In the first ever Chats With Cool Cats episode, the crew members told the audience to comment this phrase to let them know they watched the whole episode
This was the city where Alex was born
Donovan's dog is named this
Nick is known to have a large orange cat named Hobbes. His other cat is named this
who is KitKat
“Short Kings”
Alex wore this jersey number for three years for his varsity high school basketball
this is Connor Lengel's greatest fear
when irate, 6th grade Donovan would storm off to complete this office helper task
Nick's primary baseball number was this number
3rd grade Aiden completed this prestigious program and joined this highly coveted club
the mileage club
Alex has this many surgery scars on his shoulder
This Chemistry teacher made Connor Lengel admit he was the softest kid in the school
Mr. Kriebel
In the future rendition of the cult classic sketch program Nerd Power: a future divided by nerds and bullies, these were Donovan's bully allies
Jordan Norris and Nick Davis
Nick was obsessed with this animal from 4th to 6th grade
this was aiden's favorite lunch item in 3rd grade
deep dish personal pizzas
Alex once ripped a teammate's practice jersey because he was mad. Coach Kinsley then threatened to rip off this body part of Alex’s if he tore another player’s practice jersey again
What was Connor's BMI during high school (give or take 3 index units)
With the game tied and Donovan at the foul line just needing one point to win, Donovan air balled the game winning free throw against this team
Nick was invited to an invitational for this track event in 7th grade
110m hurdles
Early in his youth, Aiden hit his lovely sister, Kelsey Morgan with a phone themed after the star of this children's television program
Alex purchased this instrument during college and played it for only a month, yet still claims to know how to play it
acoustic guitar
Connor Lengel's hairline is often referred to as this mathematical formula
Donovan would frequently and foolheartedly recommend a Youtube video about this fruit to teachers during his Intermediate school years
Before newb28, Nick's gamertag was this