‘Betes & Peeps
Orange is the new Green
Snack Attack
Tech Deck
Adventures & T1D

This T1D influencer is a singer and started an organization called Beyond Type 1.

Who is Nick Jonas.


This is the most common question a Green Band person would ask of an Orange Band person. 

What is bring me some sugar (or low treatment). 


Dex tabs, Smarties (Rockets) both have this listed as the first item in the ingredient list. 

What is Dextrose.


How many current pumps on the market can be controlled by your phone.

What is two. 


This is the number of adventures you can have, if you have T1D.

What is as many as you want! 


If your friend is getting you a low snack, how many grams of carb should they be getting for you?

What is 15.


Where would someone with an Orange Band, put Baqsimi in a Green Band person.

What is in their nose. 


This popular late night snack, can also be a fan favourite for dinner. It is a common meal that you may consider an extended bolus for. 

What is pizza.


This is the most frustrating thing about Diabetes tech (in general). 

What is alarms.


What is when it is not charged/dies/loses power. 

How long can you have a delayed low after exercise.

What is up to 24 hours.


This party with your friends, should be happening on the day you were diagnosed.

What is a Diaversary. 


What is the name of the research group that will test people with Orange Bands to see if they might become a Green Band?

What is Trial Net. 


If you significantly miscalculate your insulin needs with your late night snacks or meals (over an extended period of time) or you are sick, these could also make an appearance.

What are ketones. 


Which automated delivery systems have an activity setting/temp target feature? 

What is Tandem Control IQ, Minimed 780G and Omnipod 5.


During exercise, which tool is the most accurate in the moment, for reading your blood glucose?

What is a glucose meter. Sensors tend to have about a 5 - 6 minute lag in readings. 


How many friends does it take to do a site change if you are wearing an Omnipod and each friend is holding one item to complete the task? 

What is 4 - one holding the PDM/Phone, one holding the pod, one holding the insulin and one holding the syringe. 


What can’t a person with a Green Band eat, that an Orange Band person can?

What is nothing! They can eat the same things. It just might take more planning for the Green Band person. 


These two pesky ingredients can cause a delayed rise in blood sugars when present in a meal.

What is Fat and Protein. 


What is the name of the newest pump in development, but not yet on the market. 

What is the Sequel Twist Pump. 


When going on an adventure how much extra supplies (in general) should you bring with you? 

What is double.


You and your friends are headed out for an epic night and you are the driver. What level should your blood sugar be over to get behind the wheel? 

What is 100 mg/dl or 5 mmol.


On a Friends for Life challenge coin, which side of the coin is Orange and which side is Green.

What is the back and the front.


If you are using a rapid acting insulin, this is the optimal time to bolus before a meal. It could also be the amount of time you have to wait for a Disney bus.

What is 15 - 20 minutes. 


What is the name of the biopharmaceutical company using advanced stem cell research and technology to explore a cure for T1D. 

What is Vertex. 


You are waiting to start a race or are about to begin a gold medal game. What can cause your blood sugar to rise, while you are standing still waiting to begin?

What is adrenaline.