Digital Foot Print
Online Safety
Online trolls

what is a digital footprint?

a digital footprint are posts, photos or videos that you leave behind online or on social media. 


What age is set for kids to be on social media or on online? 

13 years old


What is a online troll?

A online troll is a unknown person that attacks you online egg~ bad comments, hacks your account and uses it on you.  


what to do to stop leaving bad digital footprints behind

you be very wise in what you post and remember that everyone can see your posts. 


If you are felling unsafe, what do you do?

Tell a trusted adult and leave the sight that you're on.


how to stay safe around online trolls

you keep your personal identity to your self.

egg~ Name, Address, Age, and Passwords


Who can you trust online

A. someone you like online but don't know.

B. someone that says nice things about you.

C. No one



what do you do if a online troll attacks you?

block them, do not talk to them, leave the sight and tell someone you trust!


how do you know when you're feeling unsafe?

feel sick in tummy, shaky hands, fidgety. 


What do you do if you see something inappropriate online?

Don't comment about it and tell someone you trust about what happened.