Social Media
What Would You Do?
Being a Good Cyber Citizen

Sharing a photo without asking someone's permission is an example of not getting enthusiastic __________



People online are usually who they say they are.

True or False

False. People trying to pretend to be someone they are not to take advantage of youth is high. 40% of youth grade 4-8 report talking to strangers online. 


You have been playing online games with Sandyloves.Pandas.2012 for a whole year and always have fun online. She likes all the same things as you too! She said she would be in town with her family and wanted to meet up at the mall. What should you do?

If the person you’re interacting with has many of the same interests that you do, it may not be a coincidence. People will create a profile that will mirror your own in an effort to get you to take the bait and start a conversation. They could be really nice, say nice things and even give you gifts. Never meet someone you met online in person and talk to a trusted adult. There are 100,000 complaints of adults trying to take advantage of kids online a month! (Government of Canada).


Digital footprints are:

a) Invisible and can't be tracked.

b) Evidence of what you do online, including the things you post.

c) Not permanent and goes away after you log off the internet.

d) Erased if you delete an email, a text, or a post.

Evidence of what you do online or digitally, including the things you post or text. They can be tracked and permanent.


What kinds of personal information should you never share online?

Home address, full name, SIN, telephone number, name of school, birthday, passwords. 


Due to brain development in the pre-teen and teen years, youth this age are more vulnerable to peer pressure, social comparison, and tricks that hijack our attention.


Fact: Social media use has been shown to affect positive body image in youth. 


People have been sending you hurtful messages online that have been making you feel sad and isolated. Should you:

a) Respond, things never get misunderstood over text!

b) Take a break.

Resist the urge to retaliate or respond. Walking away or taking a break when you're faced with hurtful comments gives you some space so you won't be tempted to fire back a response or engage with the person or people. Taking a break gives the power back to you! This is the time to talk to a trusted adult.

The school staff, teachers, counselling department, Val, SIOLTENOT and many more trusted adults can be options to talk to. 

Things can be misconstrued online and via text, sometimes having a conversation in person can help. 

Bonus Point: If you need extra resources or want a helpline number pop in to see  ____________


Posting something that seems harmless about a peer won't do much harm. 

True or False


Don’t spread rumours or post/share hurtful or embarrassing stories or photos. What may seem like a harmless joke to one person can be deeply hurtful to others. We all have the right to dignity and to be treated with respect.


When gaming or using online platforms, what is better to use, a picture of yourself or an avatar or animal photo? 

Avatar, animal photo, or anything else. Best not to use pictures of yourself on these platforms. 

Bonus Point: What else could you do to keep your identity safe online?


Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are built on persuasive technology, technology created specifically to change its users’ opinions, attitudes, or behaviors to meet its goals.



A friend tells you that they are planning to meet up with someone they met through social media and wants you to come along. How do you respond?

Talk to an adult. 


If you send a text or post a photo online and change your mind you can always remove it.

True or False

False: Think twice before you click ‘send’ - especially if you’re upset or angry. Once you share a photo or a video, it’s hard to control what happens to it and who sees it. Taking it down is nearly impossible. Even if you delete a text, message or photo and cannot see it, there is still a trace online. People can also take screen shots and alter them. 


Changing your settings to more private, friends-only options is a good way to protect yourself.

True or False?

True. Also, your friends list should only be people you know in the real world. 

Homework: Cross-check your contacts lists on platforms and delete anyone you do not know in the real world or has been confirmed by a trusted adult.


Social media use has been shown to cause struggles with isolation and mental health, a feeling that we need to constantly perform, or the feeling that we can’t log off even when we want to.


Bonus point: What goals can you set for yourself to create healthy digital habits?


If you feel upset, confused, or feel uncomfortable or in danger, you should:

a) talk to a parent, teacher or another adult you know well.

b) dont tell anyone, you don't want to get into trouble. 

A) a) talk to a parent, caregiver, teacher or another adult you know well right away. You are not in trouble or alone! You should never be made to feel this way. 


Pew Research Center reports that:

a) 59 percent of kids have been bullied or harassed online.

b) 20 percent of kids have been bullied or harassed online. 

A) 59% 

That number is super high; if you have experienced bullying or harassment, do not feel alone! only 1 in 10 teens have talked to their parents when they have been victims of cyberbullying. It is okay to talk to someone for help or if you have made a mistake. It is time we start talking about this so we can all make healthier choices. We are all learning, and it is important that we understand the cause and effect of our actions online. Cyber bullying can seriously affect people's wellbeing and mental health. 


Sharing photos, even with a person's consent, that show any nudity or even partial nudity such as being in underwear can have serious legal consequences.



Companies strive to ensure that young people spend as much time as possible on social media, regardless of mental health impacts. 

True or False


If you’ve seen something on social media that made you upset or hurt you, you can report it.  

True or False

True: On many social media platforms, you can report a specific post or photo if it is against the community standards of the social media platform. Most social media platforms let you “block.” Schools also take this seriously and things attacking someone's race, gender, sexual orientation, or appearance is discrimination and can have legal consequences.


Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. 

a) Online threats and mean, aggressive, or rude texts, tweets, posts, or messages all count. So does posting personal information, pictures, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else.

b) Only direct messages and texts count as cyberbullying. 

a) Online threats and mean, aggressive, or rude texts, tweets, posts, or messages all count. So does posting personal information, pictures, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else.