Digital Footprint
Discussion Questions
MMS Supports

What does the T stand for?


  • Is this showing care or consideration? 

  • Would you want someone to say this about you or to you?


True or false. When you delete a post no one can ever see it again.


  • Backups and screenshots: Someone can take a screenshot of your post and share it, or it may be backed up somewhere. 
  • Search companies: Search companies like Google keep information about users, including search histories and IP addresses. 
  • Websites that archive posts: Some websites automatically save and archive public social media posts. 

What are some of the benefits of sharing on social media?

  • Communication: It's a way to stay in touch and stay connected to friends and family.

  • Expression: You can post your personal opinions and ideas about important topics.

  • Entertainment: It’s fun to share things you're interested in.

  • Future: It's an opportunity to present a curated version of yourself for the public or for colleges and employers.


Who is the 6th-grade counselor?

Ms. Alvarez


True or False. Information on the Internet can always be trusted to be factual. It wouldn’t be online if it wasn’t true.



What does the H stand for?


  • Who or what is this helping?

  • Would someone want to hear this?

  • Would you think it’s helpful if someone said this to you? 


What is oversharing?

when someone shares too much personal information, especially in a way that could be dangerous or inappropriate. This can include: 

  • Tagging your location in posts 
  • Posting about your emotional state 
  • Posting about upcoming or ongoing vacation
  • Posting pictures and stories about personal belongings or family
  • Sharing sensitive information about your personal belongings


What are some of the drawbacks of social media use that the teens brought up in the video?

  • Oversharing: When people share something they later regret.

  • Permanence: Embarrassing or regrettable posts, including those that "disappear" (Snaps, Stories, etc.), become part of your permanent digital footprint, which might have a negative impact. (Define "digital footprint" as all the information online about a person posted either by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.)

  • Social pressure: When everyone else is posting, you feel pressure to participate.

  • Life balance: Managing multiple platforms and accounts requires a lot of time.


Who is the 7th-grade counselor?

Ms. Cynthia


Kristina is on Facebook and receives a friend request from a boy she doesn’t know. What should she do? A. Accept the friend request. It’s rude to ignore him. B. Deny the friend request. C. Send him a message and ask him how he knows her. 

B. Deny the friend request


What does the I stand for?


  • Would this make someone think “Wow, that is a great idea!”? 

  • Is this role-model behavior?

  • Are these words a leader would speak? 


What is a Finsta account or spam account?

Fake Instagram account or social media account. 


Why do people create and use fake social media accounts (e.g., finstas)?

  • To post about topics that only certain people will be interested in (e.g., video games, soccer, skateboarding, etc.). 

  • To post messages and images that are more casual or personal for close friends and family. Some people prefer to keep their main account more carefully curated. (Explain that "to curate" means to select, organize, and look after a collection.)

  • To post messages or images that are hidden from certain people (i.e., parents, teachers, grandparents, etc.).

  • To post things that they don't want to be associated with in real life (private thoughts, inappropriate jokes, mean comments, etc.).


Who is the 8th-grade counselor?

Mrs. Gray


True or False. 

You should always know who you’re talking to online



What does the N stand for?


  • Do you need to be the person saying this?

  • Does it need to be said right here and right now?

  • Does it have to be said or do you want to just say it?


True or False. Understand that nothing is private.

True.  Even content you share via private messaging, text, Snapchat, or “disappearing” message tools can be discovered online. Don’t share anything online or on your mobile device that you wouldn’t be comfortable having made public. 


What are some of the results of having and using these accounts?

  • Connecting with people who have the same interests as you.

  • Having fun posting and sharing messages and photos with close friends.

  • Time and energy spent using and managing multiple accounts. 

  • Accidentally posting from the wrong account or to the wrong group.

  • A message or photo getting shared more widely than intended.

  • Teasing, insults, or cyberbullying from anonymous accounts.


True or False. Mrs. Molinelli is our school principal.



True or False. Don’t agree to meet anyone in person that you met online. 

True. Unfortunately, some people sometimes pretend to be someone they’re not. It’s safest not to agree to meet people in person, even if you’ve talked to them at length. If you are truly interested in meeting up with someone you met online, talk to a grownup so they can help determine the safest way (if any) to do so. 


What does the K stand for?


  • Would you want someone to say this to you?

  • Are these nice words?

  • Would these words make you smile or frown? 


True or False. Many social networking websites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and MySpace) and blog hosting websites have minimum age requirements to signup. 

True. These requirements are there to protect you! 


How can you keep yourself safe on the internet? 

  1. For your safety DO NOT follow accounts of people you do not know in the real world.  


  3. We look forward to showing you more videos to help you be your best self and make safe choices online.


True or False. Ms. Parenti, Ms. Chen, and Mrs Capurro are all MMS teachers.

False. They are our assistant principals. 

6th- Ms. Parenti

7th- Mrs. Chen 

8th- Mrs. Capurro


True or False. Don’t participate in cyberbullying. 

True. Don’t send mean or threatening messages online, and don’t engage with these types of messages or comments if you receive them. Cyberbullying is never okay. If you receive a mean or threatening message, talk to a grown up about how you might have it removed, have the person blocked, or otherwise resolve the situation.