How do you make an online troll go away?
By leaving them alone.
What is a digital footprint?
The data about yourself that you leave online.
What should you use as your profile pic?
A. your face
B. a picture of something different (like cartoon or the trees).
A person who pretends to be someone that they're not is also called a....
What do online trolls hack for?
Personal information.
Is cyber safety something you mut do?
Should you post images of your face?
what should your username be?
A. Your full name.
B. 12345.
C. Random letters and numbers.
What do you do when an online troll won't leave you alone?
Ask an adult to help you or report them.
What do you do before you upload a photo?
A. Ask
B. Think
C. All of the above
People can pretend to be someone different online. True or false?
Who is someone you can call if you have no one to go to?
Kids help line 1800 511 1800
What are the 3 Rs for cyber safety?
Realise, react and report.
Name the five Ps for digital footprints.
Profile, privacy, protect, permission and positive.
What is the number one thing to do before you post something?
Think first!
what should you do if you are being bullied online?
A. Make a chicken sandwich.
B. Tell a trusted adult.
C. Eat your device.
What do you never do to the trolls?
dont feed them!
If you delete something you posted it automatically disappears for good.
True or false?
What are five things you should never post online?
Address, age, bank details, school and full name.
Should you accept a friend request from a stranger?