Friend or Fake
More Safety
Cyber Cyber

The first rule in safety whether online or in person? (you were probably told this often when you were little)

What is don't talk to strangers?


Is using your first and or last name in your password a good idea?

What is NO?


What should you do if someone claims to be a friend from school you know in real life?

What is "don't believe them and talk to the person they claim to be next time you see them?


Giving your phone number, address, school, grade, family names and any other personal information breaks what rule

What is do not overshare information?


Best tool you have to avoid risks online.

What is your brain?


Someone online asks you your name and where you live. You should do what.

What is don't respond, then go tell a parent or trusted adult?


How long should your password be

What is 12+ characters?

Not everyone you meet online is this....
What is Trustworthy?

You should be this if an online “friend” tries to turn you against your friends and family.

What is "Suspicious"?

A good question to ask yourself before sending a text or email...
Will I be OK seeing this post a few years from now?

Trusted adults may include the following.

What is a parent, teacher, coach, or trusted family member?


It is fine to share your password with friends. True or false.

What is "False"?


If someone asks you to meet offline you should...

What is do not go and instead tell "a Trusted Adult"?

Mixing these will create a strong password.
What is mixing letters and numbers?
You should change this often on your phone or device...
What is "Your Password"?

True or False: Hackers can find your location from smart phone pictures that you post online.

What is True?


Using devices during class is acceptable without permission. True or False

What is False?


Ask a trusted adult before sharing this online ...

What is "Personal information"?


What should you do before you post online?

What is THINK?

T- true?

H- helpful?

I- inspiring?

N- necessary?

K- kind?

An important question to ask about what you are texting or posting.
What is "How would I feel if someone else saw this post or text"?

True or False: Sometimes we accidently share details about ourselves?

What is True?

(Example 1: Posting yourself in an NMS shirt may let others know which school you attend
Example 2: Posting about being excited about being able to play video games all day on a snow day may let someone online know that you are home alone)


What 4 items should your password have in it

What is one special character, one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter?


You should do this if anyone sends you or asks you to send inappropriate messages and photos.

What is "Report it or tell someone"

(This can be very important in keeping you out of trouble!)


True or False: Anything you post online is permanent

True! Things posted online can be searched or located FOREVER- even if you think you have deleted it


Use these to block unwanted messages...

What are "Privacy Settings"?