What, why, how
True or False?
Cyber... stuff
What is...

What should you do if you're getting cyber bullied?

Tell a trusted adult.


True or false? 

A girl is more likely to be cyber bullied than a boy.

False- anyone can be cyber bullied, including you!


Name 2 social network sites.

Whatsapp, TikTok, Discord, Snapchat, Instagram, X, Facebook, etc.


What is cyber safety?

To protect yourself from online harm, such as cyber bullying, scams, and more.


Why should you never give anyone you don't know your address?

They could stalk you and that's a no no... plus, they could also dox you 


True or false?

b*1ls%3T is a strong password.


Be sure to remember it though, and try not to write it down as people could find it and log into your account.


Can you delete a digital footprint?

Yes, but it is almost impossible to do.


What is cyber bullying? 

Basically online bullying, or using technology to harm or harass someone into doing something.


What do you do if someone asks you for personal information?

Either tell a trusted adult or block them, or do both. 

('stop it! I don't like it!' *blocks*)


True or false?

Cyber bullying starts happening when someone calls you a name for the first time when you're playing Roblox.


If it has happened only once, then it's not cyber bullying, but it's still not nice. 


Name a rule that you can use when you're texting in a social game (ie. Roblox).

- Never reveal your real/full name

- Never reveal your address

- Never reveal your phone number

(don't say personal info)


What is a digital footprint?

The traceable data or activity a person leaves on the internet.


What message should you say to a bully if you want them to stop?

'Stop it, I don't like it-'

'I'm gonna report you to my parents and you'll be in big trouble-'

*doesn't say anything and just blocks them*


True or false?

It's safe to give your password to your good ol' Uncle John.


It's unsafe to give your password to anyone, especially if Uncle John is high at the bar; he can blurt out your password to strangers!


You're online and your service provider (such as providing internet) is asking for your password. Do you give it to them?

It depends because of the situation; if you had a haircut, they wouldn't need your password, but if it was your internet or wifi provider, you could give it to them.


What is phishing?

Pretending to be someone else online to get personal information, such as your address, your full name, your birthdate, and more.


How do criminals use social network sites?

There are many answers for this, but one of them is that they disguise their identites to target younger victims.


True or false?

The internet was created on the first of January, 1983.


The people who created the internet were computer scientists, Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn.


Fill in the blank:

Every _ _ seconds there is a cyber attack. 

(2 digit number)



What is malware?

Malware is the term used to refer to a file or type of computerware that negatively impacts your device.