Cyberbullying & More
Internet Terms
Cyber Danger
A type of malware that displays unwanted advertisements is known as
Harassing, teasing, intimidating or threatening a student over any electronic device can be defined as
What does FAQ stand for?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is one way to tell if you are on a secure website?
the URL begins with https instead of http
A program or device that secretly records each keystroke typed on a computer is known as a
True or False: a virus spreads from computer to computer without human action
false: a worm does this, a virus requires human action
List 3 things other than email on which cyberbullying can occur.
Some optional answers are: texts, chats, snapchats, youtube, facebook, instagram, etc. (ask Ms. C if you need more examples of clarification)
What is authentication as if relates to computers and websites?
verifying someone is who or what they claim to be, often times done with a username and/or password
What is phishing?
an attempt to collect private information, usually for financial gain
What is phishing?
an attempt identity theft where criminals lead users to a counterfeit (fake) website in hopes that they will give away private information
Viruses are usually attached to which type of file?
an executable file
What are text files that store information on your computer?
What is a firewall as it relates to computers?
A device (hardware or software) that prevents unauthorized access to a network
Which term describes making a transmission appear to come from a user other than the one who actually performed the action?
a spoof
LAN stands for what? WAN stands for what? Which one is larger?
LAN is a local area network. WAN is a wide area network. A WAN is larger than a LAN.
What type of malware secretly monitors a user's activity and can give outsiders control of a computer?
True or False: use the same password for all sites so it's easier to remember. Passwords should be common items such as your pet's name or your birth date so you won't forget them.
False. Use different passwords for all sites. Don't use common items or things easily identifiable about you. Change passwords often.
The crime of impersonating someone, usually for financial gain is known as
identity theft
A potentially dangerous method of sharing information between computers on the internet where each computer serves as both a client and a server (typically used to share music files over the internet) is
Peer to Peer file sharing
A type of software where the code is available to users to be modified is known as
Open source software
What is one helpful website that has programs to help you avoid/get rid of adware?
Name one way cyberbullying differs from traditional bullying other than "cyberbullying involves electronic devices."
Cyberbullying can happen 24/7 whereas traditional bullying can only happen when you see the person. Cyberbullying can be shared and seen by others (ie: through text or posting) whereas traditional bullying can only be seen by those present at the time of the bullying.
What is a bug? What is a patch?
A bug is a flaw in a system or software. A patch is a fix or update to a bug or software error.
List one danger of peer to peer file sharing:
Optional answers: penalties for downloading copyrighted materials, viruses embedded in the files you download, accidentally sharing files on your computer you don't wish to share
List 3 ways to protect yourself from identity theft:
Possible answers are: have a firewall/anti-malware software, have strong passwords, don't click on random links, be careful with putting personal information on websites, watch for phishing scams or things that seem "phishy"