Social Media
Open sesame
No Trolls Allowed
Pictures Are forever
Surfing the Web
Use a name that does NOT reveal your true identity.
What is When you are making up a user name for email and instant messaging, you should:
Letters, Numbers and Symbols
What is type of characters should you include in a password?
Minding your manners in cyberspace
What is What does digital etiquette mean?
Not everybody likes to have their photo taken, if you’re going to an event, on a group outing, or just spending the day with friends or family, make people aware of your intentions to photograph them and give them the opportunity to opt out of being snapped.
What is does every one want there picture on the net?
should you go to websites you don't know?
Never give out personal information online in emails or instant messages because you never know who you are really communicating with.
What is When someone asks for personal information like phone numbers or addresses online, you should:
What is A strong password
You are shouting.
What is When writing email, using ALL CAPS means:
You might have been given the go-ahead to take the photos in the first place, but if you plan to share the photos online, ALWAYS ask first, especially when photos of children are involved.
What is Should i ask permission to post pictures?
crash it and tell an adult
What is What should you do if you see something on the internet that is not good?
Before you answer any questions, you should get your parents' approval.
What is When you are filling out forms or surveys online, you should:
Never give out your passwords, except to your parents.
What is With your secret codes and passwords, you should:
Whether or not others in the picture would want that picture posted How the picture makes you look to others Whether or not the picture could get anyone into trouble
What is When posting pictures online, you should consider:
Always ask before you tag anybody for anything.
What is Should ask before you tag?
You should always surf the web in a public place
What is where should you surf the web?
Never meet anyone in person that you met online, it’s just not safe.
What is When online friends say they want to meet you in person, you should:
What is Which of the following is the most commonly used (and therefore the weakest) password?
Movie on Tuesday?
What is an appropriate phrase for the subject line of an email?
Try to enjoy the moment instead of capturing it all the time
What is do you need to take a picture of every thing?
don't visit the site and tell an adult what happened?
What is What should you do if a friend tells you to visit a website you don't think is good?
Ignore it and put it in your trash folder.
What is When you get an email or instant message from people you don't know, you should:
8 Characters
What is How long should a strong password be?
When you are on your cell phone When you send emails When you are posting online When you are at the dinner table with your family When you are asleep
What is When you need to use etiquette?
True Helpful Inspiring Necessary Kind
What is what you should THINK about before you post a picture?
.org , credible authors, church website, .edu
What is How do you know if a website has good information?