Let's Get Social
The Dangers of Phishy Emails
Secure Yourself
Hackers Gonna Hack
It's Risky Business

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are all examples of this.

What is social media?


The method used by hackers via emails or messages that trick people into sharing private information. 

What is phishing?


All tech devices should have one of these in order to help protect user information. These should not be shared with anyone. They should also be different for personal online accounts and business online accounts. They're typically recommended to be changed every 90 days. 

What is a password?


These are people who originally tried to gain access into computers for intellectual curiosity, but now have malicious purposes.

Who are hackers?


These are the people responsible for the security of information within an organization.

Who is everyone in the organization?


Online offers that sound too good to be true are called ____. Some examples include: Get Rich Quick schemes, Nigerian Princes asking for money, provocative posts suggesting friends have been talking about you.. etc

What are scams?


Bad grammar, all words beginning with an upper-case letter, a link to click so that you can update your information, or a request for personal information are all examples of these.

What are things that may indicate a phishing email?


This is the term used to describe a strong password that uses a combination of numbers and letters.

What is an alphanumeric (password)?


Hackers make these computer programs so that the program may spread or self-replicate. The program requires user interaction to activate it. It will make your computer slow down or become unusable.

What is a virus?


The weakest link in all security networks or computer systems.

Who am I? OR Who are people?


The action of letting someone walk into a secure area behind you without a badge.

What is "tailgating" or "piggybacking"?


These are three actions that you should take when you receive a phishing email.

(Hint: Not click on any ____, ____ the email, and _____ the email)

What is to not click on links, report the email, and delete the email?


Whenever you leave your computer, even for a few minutes, you should perform this action.

What is (to) lock your computer?


These malware programs track where you go on the Internet and what you type into your keyboard.

What is spyware?


According to HIPPA, system rights are given to people on a ____-__-____ basis.

What is a need-to-know basis?


This is an action taken by hackers looking to steal identifiable information out of your garbage.

What is dumpster diving?


You can check the address of an embedded link using this procedure.

What is to hover your mouse/cursor over the link?


These items can be carried with you. When they're not properly password protected, that can result in a cyber security breach. This is especially true when the items belong to a company.

What are mobile devices, such as laptops, cell phones, and flash drives?


This type of malware prevents users from accessing their system by locking them out until the user pays the hacker for the key.

What is ransomware?


The action of watching (either in person or by using a recording device) what a user does on their computer by looking at the screen while standing behind the user.

What is shoulder surfing?


People are tricked into breaking security protocols or giving access to important information without realizing it. This may take the form of impersonation via telephone, in person, or email.

What is social engineering?


You should never provide any of these to a phishy email.

What are users IDs, passwords, and personal information?


These are the first 8 characters you should see on a website address to make sure it is secure.

What are h-t-t-p-s-:-/-/? 


What is https://?


Strange computer behavior, keyboards not typing or mouses not clicking, computers crashing or restarting on their own, or programs running slower than usual are all potential symptoms of this.

What is a malware infection?


This former subcontractor for the NSA stole a lot of confidential data and put it out into the world. They are likely the most famous example of an insider threat.

Who is Edward Snowden?