Physical Security
The Enemy

What devices are not allowed to be plugged into government computers?

What is personal devices?


What is required to access government Computers?

What is a Common Access Card (CAC)?


A strong password includes.

What is Numbers, Symbols, lower case and capital Letters, and adequate length?

They are people who traditionally tried to gain access to computers remotely to learn more and for intellectual curiosity. Currently, they only make up 17% of computer intrusions.
Who are hackers?

A program that is designed only to read Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) web pages downloaded from Internet websites. They can have helpers or add-on functions incorporated by using interpreters to read the additional instructions and provide different web content types. Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari are examples of these.

What is a browser? (or web browser)


What form is used to Transfer Radios from an LCU?

What is a SF-153?


The list of computers, laptops, software, equipment owned by an organization.

What is Inventory?


It is a word or phrase that verifies that you and only you had access to the account.

What is a Password?

Is the risk presented to an organization by current or past employees who have knowledge of how the organization works and what and where the most valuable (damaging) information might reside.
What is Insider threat?

Is global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite.

What is the Internet?


Any combination of your name, your home address or phone number, credit card or account numbers or social security number.

What is PII? (or Personally Identifiable Information)

30-50% of all data loss due to the people already within the organization.
What is Insider Threat?

A process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it.

What is encryption?


Imagine someone pretending to be a trustworthy company or person, like a friend or a favorite store. They send you a message, like an email or text, asking for your personal information, like your password or credit card number. But in reality, they are trying to trick you into giving away your private details, so they can use it for bad things.

What is Phishing?


Is the body of technology's, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access.

What is Cybersecurity?


What does the Common Access Card (CAC) contain?

What is Certificates for identification, encryption, and digital signature?


The use of personality, knowledge of human nature and social skills to steal passwords, keys tokens or other credentials to gain access to systems.

What is Social Engineering?


Encrypted connection over the Internet between a computer or remote network and a private network.

What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?


Malicious software programs designed to disrupt or harm a computer, network, smartphone, or other device.

What is Malware?

Easily readable programs that automate or provide extra function on a computer system or in an application or browser. ActiveX and JavaScript are examples of this type of language.
What is Scripting? (or Scripting Code or Scripting Language)

Who is ACU-1's Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM)?

What is ITC? 

Bonus question: How do you spell his last name? 100


The protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks, and data from physical actions and events that could cause serious loss or damage to an institution.

What is Physical security?


Part of a computer system that is designed to block unauthorized access.

What is the Firewall?


The weakest link in every computer system. The one person who can through thoughtlessness, unawareness or accident, cause loss of work products through deletion, corruption or improperly safeguarding data.

Who are you? (Who am I?)


A program, script, macro or other portable instruction, that can be shipped unchanged to a variety of platforms and executed with the same result. Some of the most common forms of mobile code are JavaScript, Asynchronous JavaScript and eXtended Markup Language (XML) or AJAX, Java applets, ActiveX, and Flash. It is being adapted to run on cell phones, PDAs, and other devices.

What is Mobile Code?