Physical Security
Frameworks, Controls, and Policies
"Where you live" on the internet-- aka your internet address

What is an IP address?


While it's important to have safeguards and firewalls and quality equipment like routers, make sure your ______________ is set up in a physically secure way as well!

What is a Network?


A word, phrase, or combination of characters that gives users access 

What is a Password? 

They are people who traditionally tried to gain access to computers remotely to learn more and for intellectual curiosity. Currently, they only make up 17% of computer intrusions.
Who are hackers?

Big picture ideas, made up of controls

What is a framework?


The theory of __________ ___________ states that if someone does not need access to information, then there is no reason to give it to them 

What is Least Privlege?


The list of computers, laptops, tangible products, equipment etc owned by an organization.

What are physical assets?


A tool with a dashboard and logs that helps you gather data about what is happening on your next

What is a SIEM tool?
A company might hire a cybersecurity firm to conduct an _________________ , or a vulnerability assessment to check for weaknesses

What is an audit?


The main NIST framework involves:

___________, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover

What is Identify?

Any combination of your name, your home address or phone number, credit card or account numbers or social security number.
What is PII? (or Personally Identifiable Information)

This type of training, which has the acronym "EAT," involves teaching employees about common cybersecurity issues and how they can help

Employee Awareness Training


Often known as MFA or 2fa, this safeguard helps protect your account information

What is Multi Factor Authentication?


You might install this to help block malicious actors from entering your network

What is a firewall?


This "triangular" principle is used to ensure that Cybersecurity professionals act accordingly

What is the CIA triad?


This term for a type of PII implies a heightened "sense" of importance

What is SPII?


30-50% of all data loss, due to the people already within the organization, can be blamed on this type of threat? (use the cybersecurity term)

What is an Insider Threat?


As a result of the breach of this company, 127 million Americans had their information exposed

What is AT&T?


a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

What is ransomware?


This organization is the leader in creating frameworks and principles for the world of Cybersecurity

What is NIST?


Scrambled data so that whoever sees it can't decipher what it means

What is encryption? 


The use of personality, inowledge of human nature and social skills to steal passwords, keys tokens or other credentials to gain access to systems.

What is social engineering?


A data security process that enables organizations to manage who is authorized to access corporate data and resource

Access Control 

(will also accept privilege) 


The weakest link in every computer system. The one person who can through thoughtlessness, unawareness or accident, cause loss of work products through deletion, corruption or improperly safeguarding data.

Who is "the user?"


After Comptia+ certification, many cybersecurity professionals attempt to get this all encompassing credential 

What is the CISSP credential?

(Certified Informations Security Systems Professional)