Cyber Security
Social Media
Social Engineering

What is cybersecurity?

Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.


What's a virus?

A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when it runs, it copies itself by changing other computer programs and inserting its own code. When this copying succeeds, the affected areas are then said to be "infected" with a computer virus.


Name 3 different social media platforms

Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, TickTock, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, etc.


What is a hacker?

People who try to access or corrupt your data

What is a catfish? 

  • A person pretending to be someone they’re not to trick you

How do you make a strong password?
  • Use at least 8 characters (14 is best!).

  • Use a variety of numbers, letters (lower and upper case) and symbols.

  • Don’t use predictable capitalization. Instead of just capitalizing the first letter, scatter capitalization throughout.

  • Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts.

  • Don’t use your name or anyone else’s name.

  • Don’t use words from the dictionary.

  • If you can’t come up with a good password, use a secure password generator.

  • Change your password every 10 weeks.

What is malware?

Malware is any software designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client,or computer network.


What's social media hygiene

  • Practices you can do to keep yourself safe online

  • Good social media hygiene protects how people perceive you online


What's a cookie?

Encrypted data websites store about you when you visit the site


What is a scam?

  •  scam is a term used to describe any fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or other goods from an unsuspecting person

What is the computer language?



Name a type of vulnerability

  • Hardware

  • Software

  • Network

  • Physical site


What's a digital footprint? 

Your digital footprint is made up of everything you post online. This footprint it PERMANENT. Anything you send on snapchat, post on instagram, etc. stays on the internet FOREVER and makes up your digital footprint.


Name a type of cookie

  • those that last only while you are on a website (called session cookies) 

  • those that last between visits to a website (persistent cookies).


What is phishing?

  • A cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. 

  • The attackers pretend to be someone you trust, and trick you for information. It's one of the oldest types of cyber attacks.


Why is cybersecurity important? 

  • Cybersecurity is important because it encompasses everything that pertains to protecting our sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property, and data, from theft and damage attempted by criminals and adversaries


Name two ways to protect yourself online

  • Don’t talk to strangers

  • Use an anti-virus software

  • Block and report bullies

  • Don’t download anything suspicious 

  • Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

  • Don’t run any software unless you know what it is/does 


What are some ways to be safe on social media? 

  • Private accounts

    • Only accept followers you know

  • Don’t post current locations/ addresses 

  • Be Cautious of Sharing Too Much

  • Adjust Privacy Settings

  • Verify Who You're Connecting With

  • Don't Share Personal Details

  • Check Out Your Own Account

  • Remember What Goes Online Stays Online

  • Keep Passwords Strong


What is ethical hacking?

  • A legal form of hacking used to increase site security by identifying security threats 

  • Aims to investigate weak points that bad hackers can use to hurt the software or steal data


Who can you trust online?

No one!

Only people you can verify are people you know