Social Engineering
Strong Passwords
Multi-Factor Authentication
Home Network
Unauthorized Devices

Sending fraudulent emails claiming to be someone I'm not. The goal is to get someone's personal information, like credit card info or passwords.

What is Phishing?


Given the following passwords, which should you NOT use?

H@ckm3()K       abc123

What is abc123?


A security method that requires more than one way to access an account or service.

What is a multi-factor authentication (MFA)?


I am a factory set authentication for commercial internet devices.

What is a default password?


 I am small but serve a great purpose. Sometimes I have a tail, and I'm attached to a laptop. When my tail is missing, I'm not allowed in the building. 

What is a wireless mouse?


The practice of looking at someone's computer from behind, without them noticing, being nosey. Trying to gain personal information by looking over.

What is Shoulder Surfing?


I can be remembered if I'm a sequence of words. You can also add special characters for extra razzle dazzle.

What is password phrase?


Something you have. This should be in your possession at all times, an arm's length away.

What is a smart card, CAC, or token?


I'm a service set identifier and used to connect devices to a network.

What is an SSID?


I come in all shapes and sizes. I control your life. I can snitch on my user's location and have the power to connect wireless to other devices.

What is a cell phone?


The practice of sending emails to a bunch of random people trying to get confidential information. 

What is Spear Phishing?


You should never use this as a password. This will tell my age, and I don't like that.

What is birthdate?


This is something only you possess. It can't be duplicated. You can see, touch, or speak with it.

What are biometrics?


I monitor and control traffic between a network and the internet. I'm the top dog, there is no one above me.

What is a firewall?


I am tapped daily and sometimes get a headache. Some of my eyes go missing when I'm touched too much. I also have a tail, but when it's not attached, I'm not supposed to be used in the building.

What is a wireless keyboard?


I like to follow people who have access to a room. I don't have access myself, so I like to sneak in behind them.

What is Tailgating?


Someone is always following me. I can come in a series. I can grow big or get small.

What are consecutive letters/numbers?


Something you know. No one else will know, but you. Never, ever, share or write me down.

What is a password or pin?


I'm used to protect your online activity. I can also hide your location and keep your information safe. I'm the best feature to use when abroad.

What is a VPN?


I am small and have a twin sibling. People use me to listen to music and have conversations. But because I have no wires, I cannot be used in the building.

What wireless earbuds?


The practice of targeting high-profile executives or someone with authority within an organization. 

What is whaling?


I can get creative and random. I use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. I am the BEST option.

What is a password generator?


This is a 6-digit code used to provide authentication for someone trying to gain access using login credentials.

What is a one-time passcode (OTP)?


I'm the BEST setting for securing your home router. I work well with others and support Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)

What is WPA3?


Name the current USARC policy for unauthorized devices. 

What is USAR Wireless and Bluetooth Policy?