Key Elements
The act that made cyber stalking a part of the Federal Interstate Stalking statute.
What is the Violence Against Women Act?
To damage the reputatuion of their victim and turn other people against them by posting false information.
What is one of the goals of the cyber stalker?
Do not divulge too much personal information on your account profile on your MySpace, face book, my yearbook or twitter account or any other online account
What is one way to prevent cyberstalking?
The repeated and persistent attempt by one individual to harass, threaten, instill fear in another individual using the Internet.
What is detecting cyberstalking?
Corroboration like physical evidence, witnesses, records, suspect statements, and if the stalking has gone offline, photographs of items vandalized or damaged, fingerprints, and surveillance.
What is needed in an effort to prosecute cyber stalking?
What most stalking laws require of the perpetrator to constitute an act of stalking.
What is that the perpetrator makes a credible threat of violence against the victim or the victim's family?
What is the gender with the highest percentage of being victimized by both online and offline stalking?
Take no action because stalkers like attention and if they do not get the attention they desire they will usually move on.
What is one step a victim can take against cyber stalking?
Online stalking may involve a stalker who is across the street or across the country; the stalker may impersonate the victim and post inflammatory messages to bulletin boards or in chat rooms; online stalkers may post controversial or enticing messages on the board under the name, phone number, or e-mail address of the victim, resulting in subsequent responses being sent to the victim. Offline stalking usually takes place in the real world.
What is the difference between online and offline stalking?
First Amendment right or freedom of speech, diminished actuality due to alcohol, drugs, or mental illness or lack of intent to place the victim in fear.
What is the defense used by most cyber stalkers?
A federal crime to transmit any communication including the use of telephone, e-mail, beepers, or the Internet, in interstate or foreign commerce containing a threat to injure the person of another.
What is 18 U.S.C. 875(c)?
Use of different Internet service providers, adopting different screen names, and using anonymous remailers
What is available to conceal a cyber stalker's true identity?
Never post personal information about yourself like your address, birth date, or phone number on your personal accounts. Do not talk to people you do not know. Use a screen name that can be used by both males and females. Change your password often, review your email headers and signatures often, use secure chat programs, use an anonymous remailer and browser, use encryption to authenticate email, and learn your technology. Avoid calling 800, 888 and 900 number services.
What is it to stay safe online?
Save all communication for evidence in hard copy and on disk Block or filter messages from the harasser on your e-mail Contact the harasser's Internet Service Provider (ISP) if possible Contact your local police department
What is a suspected victim of cyber stalking to do?
Laws that explicitly cover stalking via the Internet, e-mail, pagers, or other electronic communications.
What is needed to help prosecute cyber stalking?
California in 1999
What is the first state to pass a cyber stalking law and what year was this law passed?
A tool used by cyber stalkers to monitor your every click and keystroke you make on your computer.
What is spyware?
Make sure that your ISP and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network have an acceptable use policy that prohibits cyberstalking. And if your network fails to respond to your complaints, consider switching to a provider that is more responsive to user complaints.
What is an important step to take to prevent cyberstalking?
E-mail; newsgroups; message boards/guest books; Internet sites; chat rooms; third-party instant messagers; and commercial service user profiles
What is the cyber stalkers method for cyber stalking?
Predator and Prey Alert or PAPA
What is the name of the computer system designed to provide high quality evidence for the prosecution of cyberstalking?
Certain forms of cyberstalking may be prosecuted under this federal statute provided that the perpetrator has not revealed his or her name.
What is 47 U.S.C. 223?
Internet Service Providers (ISPs), email, web pages, websites, search engines, images, listservs, Instant Chat Relay (ICRs)
What are tools used by a cyber stalker?
Cyber Angels; Women Halting Online Abuse (WHOA); Get Net Wise; International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists and Safety Ed
What is available online for victims of cyberstalking?
A true cyberstalking situation is characterized by malice, premeditation, repetition, distress, obsession, vendetta, no legitimate purpose, personally directed, disregarded warnings to stop, harassments, and threats.
What is the characterized true cyber stalking situation?
Trained properly to use network investigative techniques and legal process while protecting the privacy of legitimate users of the Internet. Technological proficiency among both investigators and prosecutors is essential.
What is law enforcement to do to help prosecute cyber stalkers?