This & That
Risk Management
Coverage Terms
This market writes PSG's cyber enhancement endorsement.
Who is AIG?
If you shopped at this store between November 27 through December 18, 2013, your personal information may have been part of this large well known data breach.
What is Target?
Examples of this are social security numbers, birthdates, and in some states, names and addresses.
What is PII?
Some firms use third party service providers to store data in this, in the sky, which increases exposure.
What is the cloud?
An incident or series of related incidents where a firm receives a threat to launch an attack on or disrupt the computer network, or release or use confidential information in the firm's care, unless monies are paid or specified action is taken.
What is cyber extortion?
Lead of Aon's Global Cyber Practice
Who is Kevin Kalinich?
A website maintained by this non-profit organization allows the public to search on-line for publically known data breaches.
What is the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse?
A C-suite position over IT.
What is a CIO?
Costly to implement, this process encodes messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it.
What is encryption?
Instead of a retroactive date, most of PSG's cyber policies have this, which covers a claim that may have happened years ago, but is just now discovered and reported.
What is full prior acts?
Not to catch fish, but this expedition of a different sort uses e-mail scams and looks so legitimate to the receiver.
What is phishing?
It's not malicious, but this is one of the largest causes of cyber claims.
What is human error?
Not BYOB, but this.
What is BYOD?
A good one uses a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols.
What is a password?
An investigation to determine the existence and cause of a data breach, and to determine the extent to which information has been or may have been disclosed.
What is a forensic investigation?
This PSG tool allows firms to compare how much cyber insurance limits their peers are purchasing.
What is benchmarking?
It's not just electronic data that can be breached, but this has happened to one law firm too.
What is a hard copy data breach?
Mastercard, Visa or American Express could impose these assessments on businesses for non-compliance with generally accepted and published standards for handling credit card transactions.
What is PCI-DSS?
Be prepared to manage the aftermath of a data breach by proactively creating one of these, which provides a step-by-step process for dealing with a situation.
What is an incident response plan?
Related to cyber, but provided on crime policies, this coverage responds to impersonated clients or vendors that steal money via wire scams.
What is social engineering?
A type of liability insurance policy that, if placed by PSG, has arguably already provided protection for cyber liability claims, even before the Data Risk Endorsement (DRE).
What is Professional Liability insurance?
This Russian cyber criminal has targeted nearly 50 elite law firms, including four in Chicago, to collect confidential client information for financial gain/insider trading.
Who is Oleras?
Some PSG clients that work with healthcare companies have been asked to sign these, which impose direct liability on the firm under the most recent Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) "omnibus" ruling in 2013.
What are BAAs?
At least one large law firm client went through the rigorous process of obtaining certification of this information security standard that provides a framework for protecting information and securing data.
What is ISO 27001?
Many accounting and consulting firms provide technology consulting services, and their clients ask for this coverage.
What is technology errors & omissions (tech E&O)?