A Scout is...
Bully for You!
Hello, World!
Scouting Rules for technology
Making sure you ask others before sharing pictures of them shows you are this.
What is trustworthy?
This often contains a long sequence of letters, numbers, and punctuation that is not easily guessed.
What is a strong password?
Cyberbullying is also known by this term for a mythical creature.
What is trolling?
These settings need to be kept up-to-date to avoid sharing too much information on social media.
What is privacy settings?

What grade levels can earn the Cyber Chip Award?

What are Grades 6-12.

Building relationships and supporting others online shows one of these three scouting characteristics.
What is friendly, kind, or cheerful?
Emails angling to appear legitimate in order to fool readers into revealing sensitive data is this type of common internet scam.
What is phishing?

The difference between cyberbullying and traditional bullying.

What is happens online using technology.

The best time to post pictures of your vacation online.
What is when you return?

What is this Pledge? 1. I will think before I post 2. I will respect other people online 3. I will respect digital media ownership 4. I won't meet face-to-face with anyone I meet in the digital world unless I have my parents' permission 5. I will protect myself online.

What is a the Internet Safety Pledge.

Being obedient online means following the rules set for you by teachers, scout leaders, and these people.
What is parents?

A message pops up on your computer that says Click here to win $1,000,000.  What do you do?

What is close the window.


If you have witnessed or are being cyberbullied, it is important to do what?

What is save the evidence and notify a trusting adult immediately.

Before purchasing anything online, check for this in the site's URL address.
What is https://?

How often does the Cyber Chip need to be renewed to qualify for technology Merit Badges?

What is yearly?

In order to be a thrifty scout, you are responsible for knowing this so your parents don't confiscate your phone on the first of the month.
What is your voice, text, and data plans?
Software that attempts to copy itself onto other systems without user permission is called this sickly term.
What is a virus?
Spreading mean rumors, gossiping and calling people names online are forms of?

What is cyberbullying.


You get an IM from an unknown person saying Ur an IDIOT you waste of space.  What do you do?

What is screen shot the IM and show an adult.


When should we see phones at Boy Scouts?

What is on limited occurrences: 1. when the older Scouts are using it to help teach during meetings or 2. when working on MBs to take photos of your progress and for research


Respecting the feelings of others we don't agree with or understand means not spreading ideas that target or offend those people. Doing so shows that a scout is this.
What is reverent?
Typos, misspelled words, grammar mistakes, and unrecognized senders in an email or a brand of canned meat.
What is spam?
Harassment, assault, and this initiation practice are criminal forms of bullying.
What is hazing?
The most secure way to share a new cellphone number with your friends.
What is in person?
Why should you post things ONLY appropriate for "your grandparents" to see online?

Because what you post now can impact your future:  college, jobs, and career choices.  

A cyber background check is routinely performed by many colleges and employers.