Shows the contents of a directory
Protocol powers the World Wide Web using encryption
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
Use of digital communications to trick people into revealing sensitive data or deploying malicious software
Have significant expertise accessing an organization's network without authorization and can remain undetected for an extended period of time.
Provides guidelines for organizations to identify, protect, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks.
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
Display current username.
Means of logging in to a system using a visual desktop interface
Using a wrong domain name, or a mistyped domain name.
EX. Goggle instead of Google
government intelligence agencies
State actors
Framework that requires healthcare organizations to implement controls for securing and protecting the privacy of electronic health information.
Command to change file permissions
A file-sharing application built on a client-server model, meaning you can download files from a central location
Targeting a specific victim/ group of users
Spear Phishing
Threat actors that are driven by a political agenda
Cybersecurity framework that protects federal government information and systems against cyber threats
FISMA - The Federal Information Security Management Act
Display active processes
Used to transmit and route email from the sender to the recipient’s address
SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Malware that is triggered by some event and destroys everything, including itself
Logic Bomb
Threat to an organization's security or data that comes from within
Insider Threats
Protect customers' payment card data.
PCI-DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
Direct download files from the internet
Protocol is used to securely login to systems via a text-based interface for management
Where the pointer points to nothing. In doing so, the application crashes, debug information displayed , a type of DoS attack.
Null pointer Dereference
Computer hacker who violates laws or ethical standards
Black Hat Hacker
Designed to help those in the utility and power sector reduce cyber risk and ensure the reliability of bulk electric systems
NERC-CIP - North American Electric Reliability Corporation - Critical Infrastructure Protection