Bad Actors
Something's Phishy
Pop Culture

Feeling under the weather?  Maybe you've got one of these.

What is a virus?


If you find one of these just lying around, you're better off not sticking it in your computer.

What is a "USB" stick/drive?


You'd better double-check before you click on one of these in a phishing e-mail.

What is a "link"?


This 1999 movie may have overstated the effectiveness of kung fu against malicious computer programs.

What is "The Matrix"?


It sounds a little cloak-and-dagger, but this malicious software can track your every move.

What is "spyware"?


These malicious hackers are frequently referred to by the color of their headgear.

Who are Black Hat hackers?


It's not "really public", but this service helps secure your computer traffic when you're working from home.

What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?


Sometimes this misteaks are the biggest indicator that the e-mail your bank just sent you isn't legitimate.

What are "spelling mistakes" or "mispellings"?


"Acid Burn" and "Crash Override" tried to hack the planet in this 1995 Angelina Jolie vehicle.

What is "Hackers"?


It may be all Greek to you, but you need to understand that this type of software is not what it appears to be.

What is a "Trojan horse"?


No, your computer hasn't been kidnapped; it's just a victim of this type of threat.

What is ransomware?


This service may help you "cut the cord" but be cautious if you're using it in public.

What is "Wi-Fi"?


Hackers sometimes use this technique when sending out phishing e-mails as a shortcut to "build" trust between you and them.

What is "social engineering"?


You're not imagining it.  Rami Malek really did play a hacker in this hit television series.

What is "Mr. Robot"?


You're more likely to catch a virus than you are a fish from this program that crawls around the network, infecting computers.

What is a "worm"?


You'll find it hard to say "au revoir" if you get infected with this malicious type of software.

What is malware?


Don't take it personally if someone asks you to protect this information for them.

What is "PII" (Personally Identifiable Information)?


You may feel a little pain if you've been stuck by this type of targeted, phishing attack.

What is "spear phishing"?


Shall we play a game?  Matthew Broderick plays a hacker in this 1984 movie about a life-or-death game of tic-tac-toe.

What is "War Games"?


People weren't shouting for joy when a 2014 cyber attack against this company compromised 500 million user accounts and passwords.

What is "Yahoo!"?


Hackers may not think it's so hot when this barrier stops them from reaching your computer.

What is a firewall?


We block these types of compressed files from being sent through e-mail because they can be a speedy way to transmit viruses.

What are ".ZIP" files?


Thar she blows!  Executives had better watch out for this type of phishing attack.

What is "whaling"?


You don't have to be a fan of Nike or Adidas to appreciate this 1992 movie about an unlikely group of cybersecurity experts, starring Robert Redford.

What is "Sneakers"?


In 2017 this virus rendered hundreds of thousands of computers useless in a matter of hours, did almost $4 billion in damages, and left a lot of cybersecurity professionals in tears.

What is "WannaCry"?