Phishing for Compliments
None Shall Password
Click Here for Malware
The Net
Potent Potables
Socially Engineering

What term describes a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity via email?

What is Business E-mail Compromise?

A best practice on different websites and services, is that passwords should be this.

What is different?


A type of malware that locks you out of your data, demanding payment to restore access.

What is Ransomware?


Rivest, Shamir, And Adelman invented the RSA Algorithm, which authenticates this, the "thing" that you "see" through your web browser.

What is a website or webpage?


To make a Long Island Iced Tea for a couple characters, the bartender combines many seemingly unrelated alcohols.  To tend to a good long passphrase, combine a couple characters and several seemingly unrelated of "these".

What are "words."


Kevin Mitnick popularized the term "Social Engineering" in the context of hacking.  In that context it is lying to trick people into performing an action, and often combined with creating a sense of this.

What is "urgency?"


An unwarranted sense of urgency, unusual requests, suspicious attachments or links, malformed sender address poor grammar, or a message "too good to be true."

What are the typical characteristics or indicators of a phishing email?


OnePassword, LastPass, Keeper, and Dashlane are all examples of these, or one name for it is how Simone Biles may log in to her network.

What is a password manager or password vault?


A malware type that just like the biological threat, thrives off its healthy host, spreads by attaching itself to a file or program, and uses its permissions and accounts to do more damage. 

What is a virus?


In the movie "The Net", this actor's identity is stolen and their life unravels online. Stolen with only a few clicks.

Whos is Sandra Bullock?


Containing organic and eco-friendly ingredients, the "Sustainable Spritz" a 2024 modernization of the Aperol Spritz.   Just like you should constantly do to your tech and computers, its a spritz drink that has been "this."

What is updated?


Something often done in parking lots to celebrate before a big sports event, or done by hackers to sneak into a building undetected.

What is "tailgating?"


The service used by Conner Strong & Buckelew to deliver training and Phishing tests.

What is KnowBe4?


One early password may is the one in the story Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, when Ali Baba said this.

What is "open sesame"?


Odysseus, Helen, and Paris might have recognized this  type of malware that disguises itself as legitimate software.

What is a Trojan Horse?


These aren't the delicious kind, but accepting them means websites may track you.

What are browser cookies?


These types of infections in fermentation processes can spoil a batch of beer or wine, the same name as a malicious program that replicates itself and spreads through computers or networks.

What is a virus?


In 2008's Operation Buckshot Yankee, the Russian military compromised US DoD using a "worm" and the social engineering attack of dropping these small devices in the parking lot, and some guy plugged one in!

What are USB drives?


Use the "Report Button" and call the Help Desk.

What should I do if I spot a Phishing E-mail?


This the product of the password creating technique combining several words into a single larger "this."

What is a passphrase?


This malware actively scans networks and replicates itself on other connected devices without requiring any user interaction, or it eats RFK Jr's brain.

What is a worm?


This browser mode lets you think you browse like a ninja in the night, but your ISP still sees you tiptoeing around the internet.

What is 'Incognito Mode?'


Very dry beer or wine is called this, a homonym for the term used to "force" one's way through an ID and password "gate" to get into a system.

What is "Brut"?  (brute force)


Attackers do this by enticing victims with a tempting offer like a free download, the same word you might use for putting bloodworms or squid on a hook.

What is "baiting?"


What a Hacker or Captain Ahab might call Phishing a VIP, and Executive, or a "Big Target."

What is "Whaling"


This 8 character password is still used by 50% of people?

What is "password123"?


A rootkit is a malware that can give remote access to a hacker, and it hides in the lowest layers of one of these, sometimes known as Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, or Ubuntu Linux.

What is an Operating System?


First launched in 1994 and originally known as Mosaic, this was the world's first secure web browser.  It no longer exists but was purchased by AOL in 1998 for $4.2 Billion.

What is Netscape Navigator?


Often confused with a "Saison", this type of beer refers to a lower-alcohol beer that you can drink over a longer period without getting too intoxicated, or it's a temporary connection between two devices, like between your browser and a website.

What is a "session."


Step one in this attack type comprises a frequently used website by a large group of like minded individuals, named after the destination for thirsty animals on the plains and savannas in the dry season in Africa.

What is a "watering hole?"