Operating Systems
Mal-ware, Viruses and Trojans... Oh my
This software written by microsoft controls the computer and and the periphils to make an easy to use computer environment
What is windows?
A computer program that is designed to replicate itself by copying itself into the other programs stored in a computer. It may be benign or have a negative effect, such as causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computer's memory.
What is a computer virus?
This used to alter the windows settings and gain access to the event logs.
What is the control panel or Microsoft Management Console?
This is used to view the start up services in Linux.
What is BUM or Boot Up Manager.
Standards for right and wrong
What is Ethics?
This operating system was written by Linus Trovald and is written on the open source model.
What is Linux?
Malicious computer software that interferes with normal computer functions or sends personal data about the user to unauthorized parties over the Internet.
What is Malware
This the best experience and most developed on Windows.
What is graphical user interface.
This tool makes it easy to remotely administer Linux and view the system log files.
What is webmin?
• Laws • Feelings • Societal Norms • Religion • Philosophy • Family
What are the sources for ethics?
The part of Windows one would go to configure operating system options and security.
What is Windows Control Panel?
A utility that searches a hard disk for viruses and removes any that are found. Most antivirus programs include an auto-update feature that enables the program to download profiles of new viruses so that it can check for the new viruses as soon as they are discovered.
What is antivirus program.
This blocks access to network ports and can block specific IP addresses.
What is the firewall.
This tool enforces password policies and make it difficult to crack user passwords.
What is Password Authentication Modules (PAM) or crackib?
If you see something wrong, you say something, You are willing to go against your friends/peers, you stand up to bullies.
What is courage?
This the act of making the operating system so that outsiders cannot easily get into the computer system and access information, do damage and/or install viruses.
What is hardening or securing the computer?
This is the number 1 antivirus program according to Major Hoekstra?
What is Bitdefender?
This is where the programs can be started from.
What is the start menu or task bar?
This is the graphical user interface for the Linux firewall.
What is GUFW or Graphical Unix Firewall?
The act of intimidating someone through violent or threatening means. Calling someone names or harassing someone in cyberspace can lead to very serious consequences
What is cyberbulling?
This notifies the operating system by raising an interrupt to handle a mouse click or keyboard strokes
What is the BIOS.
In the realm of computers, the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain otherwise secure data by conning an individual into revealing secure information. It is successful because its victims innately want to trust other people and are naturally helpful.
What is Social Engineering
Used to install hardware and printers.
What is the control panel?
This window accepts text commands opposed to clicking on graphical buttons in the GUI?
What is the CLI or command line interface?
This is the cyberspace equivalent of stealing and violates one of the principles of Cyber ethics.
What is pirating?