Sanitation Nation
Safety and Supervision
Where is it?
Time and Attendance

What is symptom free for 24 hours without medication.  

When can a child return to school after an illness.  

True or false: Hand sanitizer can replace hand washing
What is false.

True or False:  Cell phone use including scrolling through social media, watching videos and texting friends is allowed while supervising children.  

False:  Caregivers must be free from activities not directly involving the teaching, care, and supervision of children, including personal use of electronic devices, such as cell phones, MP3 players, tablets, and video games.  This is considered a Medium-High violation of Minimum Standards. 


Located in a blue folder at the front desk.

Where are the incident reports?


Always call or text your supervisor at least ten minutes before the start of your shift.

What should I do if I'm running late?


A forehead temperature above 100 degrees that is accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness.  

What is a reason to exclude a child from care.  


What are the steps for wiping a child's nose

What are; Put on a glove grab tissues Wipe their nose Wash your hands Wash the child's hands


What is sitting together with another teacher, being on your cell phone or sitting/standing with your back turned to the group of children.  

What are three things you should not do while supervising a group of children on the playground?


Band-Aids, gloves and other first aid supplies are stored here to easily carry them onto the playground or outside in case of an emergency.  

What is the classroom emergency backpack?


Our doors open at 8:00 and children start arriving.

Why is it important to be in the classroom at my scheduled time?


Anytime you are handling bodily fluids including blood, vomit, urine or feces? 

When should you wear gloves?


How must teachers and children wash their hands?

What is: With soap and running water


The number of children you are responsible for, the oldest and youngest child and any known allergies.  

What information should you be aware of when supervising a group of children?


Construction paper, puzzles, toys for the classroom and other educational materials are stored here.

Where is the resource room?


True or False: It's appropriate to casually tell your supervisor you need a day off as they pass you in the hallway. 

False:  If you need a day off, please email your supervisor 2 weeks in advance.


This is the bleach to water ratio for cleaning

What is: One tablespoon of regular strength liquid household bleach to each gallon of water used for disinfecting such items as toys and eating utensils.


These are the specific handwashing steps:

What are: • Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap • Rub your hands together to make lather and scrub them well; be sure to scrub the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. • Continue rubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds • Rinse your hands well under running water. • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry. • Use a paper towel to turn off the faucet.


True or False:  When outside with another classroom, it is fine to run inside the building quickly by yourself or with a child without alerting other staff.  

False:  Always let the other caregivers know if you are stepping away by yourself or with a child.  


This includes any child with an allergy, what they are allergic to, their symptoms and any emergency treatment protocol.  

What is the Allergy Alert form on the kitchen refrigerator and in the classroom?


True or False: When recording your time, it is correct to record the time you were scheduled to work rather than the time you actually worked.

False:  When recording your time, always record the hours you actually worked.  

Cleaning supplies must be stored in this way
What is away from food and food service products and inaccessible to children.
These are the times teachers and children must wash their hands
What are; Upon arrival Before and after eating/serving food After wiping/ blowing a nose After diapering/ toileting Before and after shared sensory play After handling/petting animals Before and after administering medication After taking out the trash After using cleaning products After administering first aid When coming in from outside

To keep children safe, this should be individualized and consistent for each child, appropriate to the child's level of understanding, directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control.  

What is appropriate discipline?


You'll find the child's birthday and a list of children in the classroom on this.

What is the classroom roster or roll sheet?


This is important to meet state ratios as well as caregiver consistency in the classroom.  

Why is it important that I come to work every day?