95%Multisyllable/Word Study
Developing an Inference
One/Two Step Equations
ACT Aspire Prep/Grammar Checkup
Harlem Renaissance

True or False:

"An open syllable has a short vowel sound,in which the word follows the CVC pattern type."

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer:

What is B. False



When an author does not directly tell readers, but instead expect readers to draw their own conclusions based upon events, dialogue, and actions of characters. The reader must use this skill.

A. answer choices

B. inference

C. irony

What is...

B. inference


One Step Equation

Solve for "x."

7x + 10 = 59

A. (x=69)

B. (x=49)

C. (x=-7)

D. (x=7)

What is...

D. (x=7)


Identify the plot diagram segments in their correct order. 

A. Resolution, Climax, Rising Action, Exposition

B. Falling Action, Climax, Rising Action, Exposition

C. Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Exposition

D. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution

E. Exposition, Resolution, Falling Action,Rising Action, Climax

Correct Answer: 

What is-D. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution


Fill in the blank with the correct answer choice for the multiple choice questions. 

The Harlem Renaissance was a phrase of a larger New Negro Movement that had emerged in the early 20th century and in some ways ushered in the civil rights movements of the late 1940s and early 1950s. The social foundations of this movement included the _____________ of African Americans from rural to urban spaces and from South to North; dramatically rising levels of literacy; the creation of national organizations. 

A. Slavery

B. 96 NBA Finals

C. The Great Migration of African Americans

D. The Great Depression

What is...

C. The Great Migration of African Americans


In terms of word study, it is important to separate the affixes from the base word to determine the full meaning of the word. 

What does the prefix in the word "undeniable" means?

A. The ability to do/ to be 

B. "Not" or "against"

C. To reject

D. To project

Correct Answer: 

What is-B. "Not" or "against"


Select the correct multiple choice answer. (3 Minute Question)

    Macey's mom noticed that she was squinting as she read her book, which was only a few inches away from her face. She scheduled a doctor's appointment for the next week, and when the doctor said Macey needed glasses, she tried on every single pair in the office. After spending an hour looking at glasses, mom suggested that perhaps she should sleep on it and come back and decide in the morning. Macey agreed, but she kept talking about the pros and cons of each pair all night long. 

What can you infer about Macey?

A. Macey has trouble making decisions.

B. Macey is very excited about getting glasses.

C. Macey does not want glasses.

D. Macey is mad at her mother.

Correct Answer: 

What is -A. Macey has trouble making decisions.


Two Step Equations.

Solve for "y."

12y + 3x = 24

A. (y=8)

B. (y=12)

C. (y=24)

D. (y=2)

What is...

D. (y=2)


Tricky Words:

Select the correct answer pair to fill in the blank for the statement listed. 

"A (1)_________ store has many different paper or card stock options, in which I need for my English composition class. As we entered the store, we noticed the "back to school" shopping crowd had flooded the scenery. The lines were (2) __________, and literally no one could proceed to check out."

A. (1)stationary, (2) stationery

B. (1) stationery, (2) stationary 

Correct Answer:

What is-B. (1) stationery, (2) stationary 


Fill in the blank with the correct answer selection.

   The Harlem Renaissance was a very impactful time period in New City, spanning the 1920s and 1930s. It was known as the "___________________", named by Alain Locke. 

A. Apollo

B. The New Negro Movement

C. Black Friday

D. The Million Man March

Correct Answer:

What is-B. The New Negro Movement


What is the difference between a root word and a base word? 

What is...

A base word can stand alone and a root word can not stand alone. 



The circle graph shows the results of a random survey of students who plan to attend the school dance. Based on the information in the graph, which inference about the general population of students is valid?

A. More 6th graders than 7th and 8th graders plan to attend the dance

B. 8th graders do not like to dance

C. It is certain that a 6th grader will attend the dance

D. It is more likely that a 7th grader will attend the dance than a 8th grader attending

What is...

D. It is more likely that a 7th grader will attend the dance than a 8th grader attending



Penelope is going to the carnival to ride the rides. It costs $20 to get into the carnival and ride tickets are $0.50 each. Write an equation that represents this scenario if she spends $35 in all.

answer choices

A. .50x + 20 = 35

B. .50x = 35

C. .50 + 20x = 35 

D. .50x - 20 = 35

What is...

A. .50x + 20 = 35


"Pie Through the Ages"

Many children grow up hearing the nursery rhymes about blackbirds baked in a pie, but few realize there is truth to the tale. In the 1500s, pies were often part of an evening's entertainment. Blackbirds would be sealed in an uncooked pie that would be presented to partygoers. The BIRDS WHICH WERE QUITE READY TO BE FREED, would be fly once the pie was cut open. 

What change, if any, should be made to the words in ALL CAP?

A. No Change

B. birds which were quite read to be freed

C. bird, which were quite ready to be freed, 

D. birds, which were quite ready to be freed

What is...

C. bird, which were quite ready to be freed,



During which decades did the Harlem Renaissance occur?

Answer Choices

A. 1900-1910

B. 1920s and 1930s

C. 1940s and 1950s

D. late 1800s

What is...

B. 1920s and 1930s


   Morphemes are word parts that possess meaning. Using this knowledge and the Morpheme Guide, determine the meaning of the word that is in quotation marks listed below. 

Morpheme Guide: 

in = not/against

vinc = conquer

able = to do/to be

Mark Wahlberg is a great actor, I must say. But I think his best movie had to have been, "Invincable," in which can serve as motivational to anyone facing adversity and may have thoughts of giving up due to the turmoil caused by life issues. 

The word invincable can possibly mean....

A. to stand against regardless of consequence

B. The ability to be conquered

C. The inability to be conquered

D. to convince or persuade 

Correct Answer: 

What is-C. The inability to be conquered


True or False.

  • Sometimes writers give information or express ideas directly, which can be classified as implicit information. Other times, they convey their meaning indirectly, which means explicit information. When this is the case, you need to infer or READ BETWEEN THE LINES.

    A. True

  • B. False

What is...

B. False



The Roaming Cell Phone Company charges $15.00 per month plus $0.20 per minute of airtime usage. If Tara's cell phone bill is $75, how many minutes did she talk on the phone?

Answer Choices:

A. 30 minutes

B. 60 minutes

C. 250 minutes

D. 300 minutes

What is...

D. 300 Minutes


"Through the Ages"

After arriving in North America, English colonists incorporated local ingredients into THEMSELVES' pie recipes. They used berries, dried fruit, eggs, and molasses. In the late 1700s, pies were made from apples that were neither peeled nor cored. Some said the crust was so tough that it would not break, even if it were run over by a wagon wheel. 

The word in ALL CAPS located in the essay above may or may not be correctly used. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. 

A. themselves'

B. they're

C. there

D. their

What is...

D. their



Which statement BEST explains one result of the Harlem Renaissance?

Answer Choices

A. African American artists helped foster a new sense of unity and cultural pride.

B. Artists spread political and social ideals of nationalism to the public.

C. Artists and musicians began to include themes of discontent about foreign policy.

What is...

A. African American artists helped foster a new sense of unity and cultural pride.


Determine the meaning of the word listed below....


A. "the ability to establish"

B. "the inability to build"

C. "the inability to jump over."

D. "the inability to refuse to give or grant."

Correct Answer:

What is -"D. the inability to refuse to give or grant."


To simplify, when we make inferences we use evidence and our own background knowledge to come to a conclusion. Which literary device listed below could we use to develop an inference? 

A. inference = evidence + rumors

B. inference = hypothetically thinking + rumors

C. inference = evidence + knowledge

D. inference = rumors + knowledge

E. inference = hypothetically thinking + rumors

What is...

C. Inference = evidence + knowledge



Which equation would describe "two times a number plus five equals 15"?

answer choices

A. x + 5 = 15

B. 2x + 5=15

C. x + 2(5) = 15

D. 2(x + 5) = 15

What is..

B. 2x + 5 = 15


"Nature's Fireworks"

It is dark all around. No sunlight penetrates here, 3,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. Suddenly, a pulsating blue-green light HAD EMERGED to illuminate the gloom. Like fireworks at night, colorful, brilliant light radiates from a bioluminescent jellyfish. 

What change, if any, should be made to the words in ALL CAP?

A.  No Change

B. will begin to emerge

C. will be emerging

D. emerges

What is...

D. emerges



Although initially considered little more than a passing musical fad when it was first recorded in 1917, this genre of music became the most influential form of American popular music in the 1920s. The enormous popularity of ________ provided new opportunities for African-American musicians to make records, occasionally perform on radio, and find work playing for live audiences.

A. Rap

B. Jazz

C. Hip-Hop

D. Country 

E. Opera

What is..

B. Jazz