What does the word acrophobia mean in the following sentence? My sister suffered from acrophobia. She always closed her eyes when we drove over a tall bridge.
What is fear of heights?
What is the definition of theme?
What is moral, life lesson, or central idea
What is the main idea of the short story on pg. 59(bottom)
What is tongue-taste buds
It is a special kind of hat. It may made of silver or gold with other gems as decorations. It is worn by royalty.
What is a crown
Explain two similarities between Dr. Bradley Fox and Marco Marcello.
What is they are both heroic, fathers, and trying to save their families.
What does the word fragile mean in the following sentence? The guitar strings were fragile, so my brother was extremely careful when he played his instrument.
What is easy to break
There was once a boy who lied over and over again about being having a stomachache at school. One day he really vomited in the restroom and told his teacher that he needed to go to the nurse. Needless to say, she didn't believe him. What is the best theme for this short story?
What is it's important to tell the truth, people don't believe liars
What is the main idea of the short story on pg. 59
What is how your teeth helps you digest food; first step in digestion
It is a wooden or metal structure with padding on top. It is used to help support you as you walk if you have an injured leg or foot.
What is a crutch or crutches
List three things the settings of the two movies have in common.
What is European city, Cobbled Streets, Churches, A bridge, Picturesque scenery.
My mom clutched the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles were white. What does this sentence mean?
What is her mom was nervous or anxious
Katy and Bill's teacher gave them a study guide to prepare for the six weeks test. Katy waited until the last minute to study and Bill begin studying the same day the study guide was given to them. When the teacher gave the tests back Bill was confident that he made a good grade. Katy had a disappointed look on her face because she didn't pass. What is the best theme for this story?
What is don't procrastinate
Maria clutched the steering wheel tightly as she drove over the bridge. What mood does the author create with this sentence?
What is Afraid, Nervous, Fearful
It is a machine that picks up waves through the air and turns them into sounds. You can tune it to pick up the sound source you want.
What is a radio
The villains in both movies are similar because:
What is they are both played by the actor Stirling PJ Smith
What does mesmerized mean in the following sentence? Katy was mesmerized by the beauty of the painting.
What is fascinated, admire,
A man and his wife had the good fortune to possess a goose that laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough, and imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided to kill it in order to secure the whole store of precious metal at once. But when they cut it open, they found it was just like any other goose. Thus, they neither got rich all at once, as they had hoped, nor continued to enjoy the daily addition to their wealth.
What is greed; be grateful for what you have
How are theme and making inferences similar?
What is they are both higher thinking skills, making educated guesses, using contextual clues and prior knowledge
It is a piece of cloth worn over the clothing to protect them from dirt or spills. It may be worn by a cook or other person who works with potentially messy materials.
What is an apron
Explain how the plots of the two movies are similar.
What is a villain has an agenda that is affecting a family.
What does the word feasible mean in the following sentence? It was feasible for the contractors to build the bridge, but the city management didn't have the funds to purchase the supplies.
What is it could be done or capable of being done
Write a short story (four to five sentences) on the theme of never giving up.
What is answers will vary
How are theme and making inferences different?
What is answers will vary
It is a container for holding water or other liquids to drink. It is usually made of metal or plastic enclosed in a cloth cover. It has a strap for carrying it along with you.
What is a canteen
Explain how the plots of the two movies are different.
What is one is about an international villain who wishes to assassinate a leader; the other is about a leader of a company who wishes to demolish a shop and build apartments.