The Earth
The Seasons
Life Cycle of a Flower
Life Cycle of a Tree

What is a cycle? 

A cycle is something that repeats over and over again. 


The Earth _______ on its axis

a) runs around

b) rotates 

c) orbits

b) Rotates


Name the four seasons

Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall


Every plant starts out as a ______



True or False: 

All trees lose their leaves in the fall. 

Bonus: explain/give an example


Bonus: evergreen trees do not lose their leaves.


What is the imaginary line that separates the northern and southern hemispheres?

The equator.


How long does it take for the Earth to orbit/revolve around the sun once? 

It takes 365 days or one year. 


What season are we in when leaves start changing colors? 

Fall / Autumn


Why do plants grow faster in the summer? 

They grow faster in summer because they get much more sunlight. Sun is an important part of what helps a plant grow. 


Describe what happens to a tree in each season. 





Fall - leaves change colors and fall off 

Winter - branches have no leaves; they could be full of ice and snow 

Spring - flowers and leaves begin to bloom 

Summer - trees have leaves; some flowers have turned into fruit


What is a pollinator? 

Say the definition and give an example. 

A pollinator is an animal that helps spread pollen from one plant to another, which then makes more plants. 

Examples: bees, birds, bats, butterflies, 


How many hours does it take for the Earth to rotate? 

(Hint: how long is a day?)

24 hours


When it is summer here where we live, what is the season on the other side of the world? 

(Example: in Australia)

It is winter on the other side of the world. 

It is winter in Australia. 


What is photosynthesis? 

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make their own food. 


Name the parts of a tree.

(there are 4 main parts) 

Roots, trunk, branches and leaves

(The top of the tree can also be called the "crown")


What is germination? 

When a seed grows to a seedling and then a sapling. 

The process by which a plant grows from a seed.


Why do we have day and night? 


We have day and night because the Earth rotates (spins). When our side of the Earth is facing the sun, it is daytime. When we rotate away from the sun, it is nighttime. 


Some animals migrate. When might an animal migrate, and why? 

Give an example of one migrating animal. 

Animals migrate in the winter. They migrate by going to a warmer place. Animals migrate if they can't survive in the cold. Many birds migrate. They fly south, where it is warmer, for the winter. 


What does a plant need for photosynthesis to work?

They need need sunlight and water for photosynthesis to happen.


How are trees important to humans? 

Trees give humans oxygen - we need oxygen to breathe and to live.

Trees give humans and animals shade in the hot weather.


Describe what it means to adapt. 

Give some examples of how animals and/or humans adapt. 

To adjust or change to meet your needs. 

To change the way you do things in order to help you survive. 

Examples: Camels have humps that store water because they live in the desert where it does not rain

Animals can camouflage themselves (make them look like their environment)


The sun shines for different amounts of time during the year. 

At what time of year does sunlight/daytime last the longest? 

At what time of year is sunlight/daytime shortest?  

On what 2 days of the year are the lengths of day and night equal (the same)

It lasts the longest in the summer

It lasts the shortest in the winter

The amount of day and night are equal on the spring and autumn (fall) equinoxes. (The first day of spring and the fist day of fall).


Explain why the seasons change. 

The seasons change because the Earth orbits or revolves around the sun. While it is moving around the sun, it is on a tilt. When the northern hemisphere (where we live) is tilted toward the sun, it is warmer and when it is tilted away from the sun, it is colder. 


What is the life cycle of a flower? Name each step. 

Hint: start with a seed. 

1. Seed is planted in dirt 

2. Seed germinates (it will break open and a sprout will begin to form) 

3. The sprout pops up from under the ground

4. A seedling forms 

5. Leaves and a flower form 


How are trees important animals?  

Trees give animals a place to live. Birds make nests in trees, owls live in trees, squirrels can live in trees. 

Trees also provide food for animals. Many animals eat the fruit and leaves off of trees.