Basic Knowledge
Child Abuse Prevention
Behavior Management

What are the 4 Core Values? 

Respect, Responsibility, Caring, & Honesty


How soon must you report suspected child abuse?

Within 24 hours


What is the minimum staff to youth ratio? 

The minimum staff:youth ratio for all programs is 1:2 or 2:1


What are some examples of Positive Encouragement?

"You put all the lids on the markers. Now they won't dry out."

"Kaniesha, you remembered to raise your hand before talking. That way two people weren't talking at the same time and I could hear what you had to say." 

"Look at Cindy's face. She looks happy that you shared some play dough."  


Who should you contact if you are unable to make a shift and how soon? 

Program Director- Phone Call, Voicemail, Text Message (In that order) 

MUST be done 2 hours before shift start. 

Let your supervisor know as well.  


What kinds of gifts are acceptable to accept from students and families?

Anything under $50 in value: Coffee mugs, shirts, cards, candy, food, etc. 

No tips or cash. 


What are some "appropriate touches" between staff and youth?

•High fives

•Fist bumps

•Side hugs (youth initiated)

•Applying sunscreen (though youth on youth application is recommended, if they are capable and the application is supervised)

•A light tap on the shoulder

•Holding hands (for safety or youth initiated when moving locations – up to age 8).  

What are some ways to make line transitions fun?

Play a game or sing a song! 


When do power struggles begin?

Power struggles begin when authority is at stake or "being right" is the main issue. These situations should be avoided, if possible. One of the parties (typically the teen) will be overpowered, causing the youth to lose face. This can cause the adolescent to feel embarrassed, inadequate, resentful, and bitter.


What is a Daily Health Check?

Every day, a trained team member should conduct a health check of each youth. This health check should be conducted as soon as possible when the youth enters the program and whenever a change in the youth’s behavior or appearance is noted while that youth is in care.


When should you make comments/change requests in Kronos?

The day of the occurrence


What ages can children sit in your lap? 

Ages 3 and younger: None of our students...instead you can do the following.

•Have them sit next to you.

•Let them know that you only have one lap, and that you won’t be able to share with everyone.

•Let them know that you can’t see their eyes/face and that you would like to see them when talking to them. 

•Let them know that they won’t be able to see the pictures from the book if they are behind it. 

•Let them know that this is the space that the book will be in, and that they would be blocking it so others cannot see.

•Have designated spots for the youth to sit, so that it is clear that there is another, designed, option for them.  (e.g. carpet squares or poly spots)

•For school age youth, you can make a kind joke (e.g. “I am not a chair.”


When should you do a head count?

• Before and after any transition 

• Before leaving a restroom

• Before a bus leaves a destination 

• By all staff present (compare to ensure you all got the same number) 

• At random 

• When you have a calm moment during any activity 

• At least every 15 minutes


What are some things you should ask yourself about the way you communicate with youth?

• Are you fully aware of how you come across to others? 

• Do you take the time to fully understand what someone else is telling you before you respond? 

• Do you double check to make sure you understand things the way people intended them? 

• Do you let your emotions control what you say? If so, does this result in creating additional problems? 

• When someone misunderstands something you say, is there a way that you could have said it differently that would have helped them to understand? Or did you just say it the way you wanted to? 

• When communicating, do you choose a strategy beforehand on what you think will be the best way to approach the conversation? 

• Do you know what outcome you want from a conversation, so that you know what strategy to pick? 

• Do you assess the effectiveness of your strategies after conversations in order to refine them?


What is a Truddy and when is it used?

Supervision for our middle and high school teens is the same as elementary with one important variance, the use of the “truddy” system. Teens grades 7 and up (6 and up for middle schools) may use the “truddy” (three youth) system when going from one activity to another. This may only be done if a radio or walkie-talkie system is in place in conjunction with a roster system.


What happens after a youth is administered medication?

Whenever a youth receives a medication during program, it must be recorded on a Medication Administration Log.


What are 3 of the Y’s policies regarding appropriate practices and behavior with and around youth?

•Never being alone with a youth. 

•Being within sight and sound of youth at all times. 

•Being within sight and sound of other team members and adults whenever possible.

•Ensuring that all youth are visually supervised at all times.

•Ensuring appropriate program ratios at all times.

•Making sure restrooms are not occupied by suspicious or unknown individuals before allowing youth to use the facilities. 

•Ensuring that youth are never abused in our programs. Abuse includes: physical injury, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, unjustifiable punishment and neglect. 

•Using only positive techniques of guidance, including redirection, positive reinforcement and encouragement rather than competition, comparison and criticism. 

•Responding to all youth with respect and consideration.  Treating all youth equally, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, race, language, ability, religion, culture, family structure or background. 

•Prohibiting the use of, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at any YMCA program site or activity.

•Prohibiting smoking or use of tobacco in the presence of youth. 

•Prohibiting profanity, inappropriate jokes, sharing intimate details of one’s personal life, and any kind of harassment.


How many students should be taken to the restroom?

Minimum of 3

Must take enough students so that other staff are left in ratio. (i.e you have 30 students, you must take 10 to the bathroom)


What are some things to consider about the youth when communicating with them? 

• Communication skills are developed early in life.

• Adults influence youth by setting a good example for them and encouraging them to practice appropriate communication skills. 

• Responsive, active listening is essential to youth guidance; dependency and inappropriate interaction must be firmly and respectfully re-directed. 

• Feelings and emotions must be considered in order to provide appropriate responses to behavior. 

• Tactics that avoid addressing feelings are ineffective and harmful to open, honest communication. 

• Positive confrontation is a healthy and natural part of social interaction. 

• Adults can help youth to understand their own misbehaviors. 

• Positive instructions are more likely to elicit cooperative behavior than imperative commands or negative statements. 

• Assertive communication should be honest and caring, not harsh and judgmental. 

• Assertiveness requires respect and empathy in order to be effective. 

• Respect is not given to youth only when it is earned, it is always given.


What are the 3 Main types of Reports that we use?

Ouch Reports

Accident/Incident Reports

Behavior Reports

*Bonus 100 for adding Character Cards


What does ELOP stand for?

Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs


What are the 4 main abuse categories?

Physical Abuse

Emotional Abuse

Sexual Abuse



When participating in an activity with youth, where should you be?

On the outside of the activity where you can still supervise the most youth. 

EX. You are playing Basketball, you can pass or shoot from the outside but should not be in the middle of the game. 

EX. Board games: Sit facing the most amount of students. Can be playing the game, but looking up when not in turn and observing the rest of the group. 


What are the 3 Logical Consequences 

• Rehearsal of a desired behavior 

o "Ruben, I can see you didn't wash your hands before you sat down for lunch. You need to keep yourself safe and wash away germs before you eat. Please go wash your hands now and then come back to the table." 

• Restitution—making amends for misbehavior 

o "Jeffrey, I cannot let you draw in the book. We need to take care of books and keep them safe. You need to get an eraser and erase the pencil marks. Would you like some help?" 

• Temporary loss of privilege 

o "Alex, I reminded you that it wasn't safe to splash your friends at the water table. You will have to find another place to play today. Tomorrow you can play again at the water table if you remember the Safety Rule."


What is "TEACH ME"?

T – Title of activity 

E – Explain how it works 

A – Act it out 

C – Check for understanding 

H – Have fun 

M – Modify as needed 

E – End before it gets old