Drawing Conclusions
Context Clues
Figurative Language
So, you think you know Context Clues?
Automobiles must have certain safety devices such as seat belts, headlights, and good brakes. We can infer that safety devices make driving......
It makes driving safer.
Sally Ann was over 80 years old. She lived in a small house with a very small fenced-in yard. She had just lost her 16-year-old dog and decided to get another dog right away. Sally Ann went to the animal shelter, and after looking at the dogs, she narrowed her choice down to two. The first was a large, black, one-year-old retriever. He had a lot of energy and was used to running on acres of land. The second dog was a small, three-year-old mix. The people who had owned him said he stayed home alone all day and knew how to use a doggy door to go out to the yard. I can conclude that Sally Ann will choose...
She will choose the three-year-old mix.
The children in the science class worked together as a team. The great SYNERGY that was created made the project a huge success. The word synergy means...
Explain the Metaphor: The young boy was a skyscraper next to his friend.
The boy was much taller than his friend.
Unlike his sister Cattie, who had a very calm and mellow disposition, John jumped on Sofas and ran through the house like an animal kingdom. Disposition means....
Disposition means a person's character.
Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours doing sedentary activities like reading or playing games. We can infer that when people are doing sedentary activities, they must be...
They are sitting.
Jessica called Amy Wednesday after school and told her she would be available to work on their school projeect after dinner. After dinner, Amy rode her bike over to Jessica's house. When Amy arrived she rang the bell, but there was no answer. Amy got back on her bike and went home. Amy concludes that...
Jessica is not home.
Ms. Gloppen was very disappointed to see a student with his paints below his waist, a bad word on his shirt, and a hat on his head. She was very unhappy as she chided him in the hallway. Chided means...
She expressed her disapproval.
"The shattered water made a misty din. Great waves looked over others coming in." What type of figurative language is portrayed in second sentence?
When Jana noticed her daughter Kylie starring at herself and posing in every reflection that they passed, Jana worried that Kylie was growing a bit conceited. Conceited means...
Conceited means vain or overly impressed with her appearance.
Kassandra threw her coat over the chair, flew past her astonished parents to her own room, slammed the door, and threw herself down on the bed. We can infer that Kassandra feels...
She is disappointed, upset, or sad.
Today I was late for my volleyball game. Mom pulled the car over several times to study the map she had printed off the Internet. Mom even made me go into a convenience store to see if I could get some help in there. When we finally got to the gym, the girls on my team were almost finished warming up. We can conclude that mom....
She got lost on the way to the ballgame.
Ashley stared at the newest style of jeans in the catalog. She just had to have them. Her birthdeay money was not quite enough to cover the expense. Although she didn't want to grovel, she decided to plead with her parents for the money to buy them. The word grovel means....
To plead or beg.
Explain the Hyperbole: It's going to take a zillion years to get through medical school.
It's going to be take a long time to get through medical school.
Amy wanted to wear the simple white dress to the dance but her friend Emilia kept pushing her to buy this big, puffy, golden ballroom gown as ostentatious as it was expensive. Ostentatious means...
Ostentatious means very over the top and fancy.
Of all the chores Michael had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he could not stand hauling the large bags over to the giant silver canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting. We can infer that Michael does not like....
He hates taking out the trash.
Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli's neck. He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, "Hurry up, Tooli. You are always so slow." Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road not speaking to anyone that he saw. We can conclude that....
Justin does not want to walk the dog
The sight of the ominous clouds told us that clear weather was far from our area. Ominous means...
stormy or dark
Explain the metaphor: He was a tornado, blasting his way through the opposing team.
He crashed through the other team with much strength.
The children in the orphanage might have starved had it not been for the benevolence of the nuns, who sacrificed their own small salaries to provide food for the children. What does Benevolence mean?
Benevolence means act of charity.
Martin Scorsese is a director of astonishing power and Gangs of New York is a movie of astonishing imagination, ambition, and scope. The first fifteen minutes are as dazzling as many images ever put on the screen. The rest of the movie veers from brilliant to flawed, but it is unfailingly arresting, provocative, and powerful. We can infer that reviewers and critics will give this movie a...
It will get a positive review.
Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big comforter and put it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package, took out a big bone and placed it on the floor next to the comforter. Then he opened the window wso that the gentle breeze could blow into the room. We can conclude that.....
Jeff is getting ready for his dog
Mr. Covert will not accept answers in his class uness the students are able to support their answers with evidence from the text. He told the students they must corroborate their statements related to the text. Corroborate means...
to make certain, to confirm, to check
Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there. What figurative language?
When John saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and an A- in Biology; but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her head in disappointment. Fastidious means....
Fastidious means difficult to please.