Red, Blue, and Yellow
What are the primary colors?
This shape has 3 sides.
what is a triangle?
Name 3 art materials...
Crayons, markers, paint, pens, colored pencils, etc.
Green, Purple, and Orange
What are the secondary colors?
This shape has 4 equal sides.
What is a square?
This is something that has a dark, medium, and light value.
What is value
This type of paint needs a drink before you use it
What is watercolor paint.
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci
Yellow and blue mixed together makes ______.
What is green?
How many sides does a pentagon have?
A drawing/painting of someone's face
What is a portrait.
This material is also used for grilling?
What is rainbow order?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Another word for color is ____.
What is Hue?
The two major types of forms in art.
What are 2D and 3D shapes?
The three layers in a landscape that give it space.
What is foreground, middle ground, and background?
An artistic form in which hard materials such as (clay, metal, plastic) are worked into a three-dimensional art piece.
This type of artist creates clothing
Fashion designers
The name of a tertiary color is ______.
What is red-orange, yellow-orange, blue-green, blue-purple, red-purple, etc.
Name four 3-dimensional shapes
Cube, pyramid, cone, sphere, etc.
A 3-dimensional shape such as a sphere or pyramid.
What is a form?
This comes in oil and chalk form
Vincent Van Gogh's most famous piece
The Starry Night