This is another name for an Egyptian King. 这是另外一位埃及长老的名字。
What is Pharaoh? 法老是什么?
These are the four great inventions of China. 这下是中国的四大发明。
What is Compass, Gunpowder, Papermaking, and Printing? 什么是指南针,火药,造纸术和印刷术?
The British media giant was originally formed by radio broadcasters. 英国媒体巨头原是由广播电台。
What is the BBC? 什么是BBC?
This is the chemical symbol for gold. 它是金子的化学符号
What is Au? Au是什么?
This is the number of hexagrams in the I-Ching
What is sixty-four (64)? 六十四是什么?
This is a mythical animal built by the Egyptians out of stone, half lion and half man. 它是一个由埃及人用石头建的一个神话虚构出来的动物,半人半狮。
What is the Great Sphinx of Giza? 什么是狮身人面像?
This bristled hygiene tool originated in the Tang Dynasty and was made from hog bristle. . 毛质的卫生工具,起源于唐代,是由猪鬃制成。
What is the toothbrush? 什么是牙刷?
Radio waves are closest to this color on the rainbow. 最近的无线电波上的彩虹颜色是。
What is red? 什么是红色?
In 2007 this country overtook South Africa as the world's largest gold producer, the first time since 1905 that South Africa has not been the largest. 2007年,这个国家取代韩国成为世界上最大的金制造国,这是自1905年以来韩国第一次被取代。
What is China? 中国是什么?
This is the number of yarrow sticks initially stored to complete an I-Ching divination. 这是最初完成易经占卜所需的蓍草枝的数量。
What is 50? 五十是什么?
By tradition, Pharaoh Menes was believed to have united Egypt out of these two nations. 按照传统,人们相信是法老美尼斯把两个民族统一成了埃及。
What is Upper and Lower Egypt? 什么是上埃及和下埃及?
These three chemicals are the components of gunpowder. 下面是火药的三种化学成分。
What is sulfur (S), charcoal, and potassium nitrate (saltpetre) (KNO3)? 什么是硫磺,碳和硝酸钾?
This American river marks the boundary between K and W radio stations in the United States. 在美国,美国的河流标志着K和W射频芯片站之间的边界。
What is the Mississippi? 什么是密西西比?
This was the ancient profession that attempted to turn metals such as lead into gold. 这是一种古代的职业,试图把金属变成金子
What is alchemy? 什么是炼金术?
This legendary wise-man is reputed to be the initial author of the I-Ching. 这位传说中的圣人被誉为是易经的最初作者。
What is Fu Xi? 伏羲是什么?
Perhaps the largest library of the ancient world, founded in the Ptolemaic dynasty and named after a Macedonian King. 它或许是古代最大的图书馆,在托勒密时代发现,并以马其顿国王命名。
What is the Great Library of Alexandria? 什么是亚历山大图书馆?
This numerical concept was represented as early as the second century BCE by black (as opposed to red) rods or squared (as opposed to triangular) sectioned rods. 这个数字的概念,早在公元前二世纪的代表黑色(而不是红色)杆或平方(而不是三角)切片棒。
What is negative numbers? 什么是负数?
Founded in January 1923 by American E.G. Osborn, the first radio station in China that was shut down by Northern warlords before 1927. 由美国E.奥斯本成立于1923年1月,北洋军阀在1927年之前关闭在中国的第一无线电站?
What is the Radio Corporation of China? 什么是中国广播公司?
This is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. 它是一种金和银由大自然产生的合金。
What is electrum, or green gold? 么是天然合金?
This hexagram is made of up 6 unbroken lines. 此卦是由6条实线组成的。
What is 乾 (qián)? 什么是乾?
This language is still used in the Christian Orthodox church of Alexandria. 该语言仍然被亚历山大正统基督教堂锁使用。
What is Coptic? 什么是埃及古语?
This method of calculating binomial coefficients was first seen in China in a work by Jia Xian in the 11th Century CE. : 这种计算二项式系数的方法,首次出现在公元11世纪中国贾宪的著作中。
What is Pascal's triangle? 什么是杨辉三角(杨辉三角形)?
The type of radiation released from cell phone radio waves, that does not break molecular bonds or release electrons from their atoms. 释放手机无线电波辐射的类型,这并不从它们的原子分子键断裂或释放电子。
What is non-ionizing radiation? 非电离辐射是什么?
This war of 1899–1901 between the British Empire and Afrikaners was at least partly over the rights of miners and possession of the gold wealth in South Africa. 这是一场于1899-1901年发生在英帝国和布尔人之间的战争。这场战争至少在一定程度上帮助英国夺取了在南非对金矿占有权。