LIM Habits
Conflict Resolution/Bullying
Careers/Goal Setting
Random Stuff

True or False: Part of our new Care Class routine was learning two new words per month.



What is Habit #6?



True or False: Stimulus is what happens to us. Response is what we choose to do.

True! Yep! 


What is a Career?

Answers will vary....

a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling


It's your lucky day!

Free points!


What does encouraging mean?

Giving someone support or confidence - building them up.


True or False: Apologizing is a leadership skill we use throughout our lives to restore trust when we have broken it.



What makes something Bullying? You must name all four parts...Hint: ABCD

Aggressive: attacks physically, emotionally or socially.

Balance of Power is Unequal: Either 2 against 1 or social power is not balanced.

Consistent - happens more than once

Deliberate: On purpose


True or False: You Career should be something that you're good at, something your interested in, and/or something you're passionate about.

True! Ideally, everyone would have a job that has at least one of these three alignments.


True or False: Mrs. Portsmith is really good at remembering names.

False. I'm terrible, but I'm trying to get better!


What does triggered mean?

Activated, or a response triggered by a particular action, process or situation


It's your lucky day!

Free points!


What is the Emotional Bank Account? What is a Deposit and a withdrawal? How does the EBA help us know when someone is being a good friend?

The EBA is a metaphor for the amount of trust that exists between two people. Deposits build and repair trust? Withdrawals break down trust. If someone continues to make withdrawals from our relationship, the trust will break down and dwindle to nothing. The relationship will end. When someone makes deposits continuously, it helps build trust and strengthen the relationship. A good friend makes deposits.


Name three careers a person could do if they are really good at math....

Scientist, mathematician, electrician, physicist, astronaut, baker, chemist, lab technician, accountant, banker, etc.


True or False: Care Class used to be 45 minutes, but now it's 30 minutes.

True! Boo!


What does empathic listening mean?

It means to not only hear the words that someone says, but to truly listen, process, and feel their feelings or understand deeply where they are coming from.


How do Habits #4, #5, and #6 help us resolve conflicts with others? Give an example for each.

Think Win-Win

Seek First to Understand


Answers will vary.


Two students never let a third student play with them on the playground. They call the student mean names and say they are not their friend. When the student cries, they laugh at her.

True or False: This is an example of bullying. 

Tell me why or why not.

True. ABCD all present.

Aggressive: never let them play (emotional, social aggression), call them names (emotional)

Balance: Two vs. One

Consistent: Every day

Deliberate: This is not an accident!


Goal Setting is a part of which Leader in Me Habit? Explain why....

Habit 1: Be Proactive.

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind.

Habit 3: Put First Things First.

either of these.


What is Mrs. Portsmith's favorite coping strategy?

Deep breathing


What is the difference between being cooperative and being confrontational?



involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal.

tending to deal with situations in an aggressive way; hostile or argumentative.


What is the difference between accepting differences and valuing differences?

Accepting differences means you are "okay" and acknowledge differences in others. Valuing differences means you celebrate others' uniqueness and support/encourage their differences openly.

Give an example of a real apology: must show accountability, listening to the other person, intention to improve or change, and commitment to follow-through.

Example: I hear you, that you're hurt I was talking about you behind your back. I did say those things and I take responsibility for it. It was the wrong thing to do and I'm very sorry I hurt you. I will make sure not to speak poorly about you, and to come to you with problems directly. I'm sorry.


What are the three different levels of goals you should know when you're in the planning stage of your career choice? Give an example of each

Short term. Intermediate. Long Term goals.

Examples will vary.


What is Mrs. Portsmith's favorite LIM Habit? Why?

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.

Habit 6: Synergize

Either one...I can't choose!