
We accepted the U.N. division 

We DO NOT accept the U.N. division 

These are different point of view caused the?

Israeli Palestinian Conflict


Who has the lowest standard of living? 



What conclusion about the Middle East can be made?

A. Clothing and electronics provide the majority of income for countries of the Middle East.

B. The economy of the Middle East is primarily dependent on oil and oil products.

C. The climate of the Middle East allows for mass production of foodstuffs and crops. 

D. Jewelry and gold are becoming increasingly important to the economy of the Middle East.

B. The economy of the Middle East is primarily dependent on oil and oil products.


Christmas is a special holiday

I go to church on Sunday 

I read the bible 

Who Am I?



What religion is this? 



After World War I, instead of gaining independence many got taken over by European countries and turn into colonies under the mandate system. This reflects what?

European colonization of the Middle East


What resources that was discovered in Saudi Arabia 60 years ago made the country rich?



Because of the low precipitation, frequent droughts, and increasing consumption has cause what in the Middle East?  

Water Shortage 


How did social media impact the Arab Spring Movement?

People used it to organize and communicate


Jerusalem blocks peace in the Middle East sometimes because 

A. city contains religious sites sacred to Jews and Muslims.

B. Israelis want to move their capital city somewhere else.

C. city is overcrowded and has poor living conditions.

D. Jews and Arabs want control of the oil reserves in the city.

A. city contains religious sites sacred to Jews and Muslims.


The Suez Canal provides a direct shipping route between what two Continents?

Europe and Asia


This political cartoon shows that America is

A. dependence on oil from the Middle East.

B. battle to create a toy industry from oil products.

C. need for fuel efficient trucks from Saudi Arabia

D. lack of regulations for the purchase of foreign oil.

A. dependence on oil from the Middle East.


Today the dam prevents this water from flowing over the land.  The lack of silt has increased erosion of land along the Mediterranean coast near the Nile. This is an issues created by what?

The Aswan Dam


Monotheistic is the belief in how many Gods? 

(3 Religions are monotheistic) 


(Judaism, Christianity, Islam)


What headline would be most appropriate for this map?

A. New Desalination Plant to Provide Relief to Saudi Arabia

B. Shortage of Rain Leads to Crop Reduction in the United States

C. Australia Develops New Technology to Conserve Water

D. South America Seeks Sources for Irrigation

A. New Desalination Plant to Provide Relief to Saudi Arabia


The United States imports oil from members of OPEC and those members but goods from the United States. This shows:

A.Renewable Resources 

B.Per Capita Income 

C.Standard of Living 

D.Global Interdependence

D.Global Interdependence


What Canal is this?

Suez Canal


The Middle East is has a dry climate, what is another word for dry climate

Arid Climate


What religion?



What conclusion about Egypt can be made?  

A. Egypt’s population is mostly of retirement age.

B. Egypt has a lack of skilled workers.

C. Egypt has a large population of children.

D. Egypt’s government encourages education.

C. Egypt has a large population of children.


After World War II Palestine was divided into a Jewish State and an Arab Nation. The Jews were happy about the decision however the Arabs were not, what happened as a result of this disagreement?

Fighting broke out between Jews and Palestinians.


The Panama Canal and Suez Canal were both built to do what? 2 things

Shorten Shipping Routes

Increase Global Trade


What geographic factor has shaped the population pattern of Southwest Asia?

Availability of Water


North Africa and Southwest Asia are considered a cultural region based on their similar (2 things) 


Practice of Islam


The Arab Spring contributed to

A. increase in trade between nations that share democratic beliefs.

B. opening of borders for travel between countries that are geographically similar.

C. release of political prisoners from jail in countries with monarchs.

D. adoption of more democratic constitutions in some countries of the Middle East.

D. adoption of more democratic constitutions in some countries of the Middle East.