What is a group of characters that share a common DNA?
A computer would need two separate files: one for on-screen display and a second one for printing.
What is a decorative line added to a letter’s stem?
What is a reader's ability to differentiate one letter from the next?
What alignment is a great option for languages that read from left to right?
Flush Left
What is a particular set of glyphs within a typeface?
Developed by both Apple and Microsoft in the early 1990s.
TrueType Font
What term refers to uppercase letterforms that are shorter than regular capital letters?
Small Caps
What is how clear and easy it is to read words in a block of text?
What alignment is best for shorter text like headlines?
Center Align
What are angled typefaces that are strongly influenced by calligraphy?
These fonts support Unicode, meaning that one file can contain more than 65,000 glyphs.
OpenType Font
This symbol is a stylized depiction of "et", which is Latin for “and”
What is the most comfortable size to read for long forms of text?
12 pt
What is the term for the uneven edge on the opposite side of flush left text?
What are less calligraphic in style?
Which of the font file types has become obsolete?
What is an inferior figure that can be baseline-aligned or sit below the baseline?
What is the act of adding horizontal space between characters?
What are big gaps between words in justified text called?
What are these examples of: ultra light, thin, light, regular, medium, bold, heavy, black, and extra black?
Font Weights
What helps with kerning when some characters overlap?
Standard Ligatures
What is used to indicate a duration of time?
en dash
What is the tracking space between a combination of two characters?
What are isolated lines created when a paragraph begins on the last line of a column?