Making inferences
Grab Bag
Context Clues
Grab Bag #2

Rose shivered as she climbed up the long ladder.  Carefully, she walked to the end of the board and looked down.  "Hurry up!" said the kid behind her.  Rose held her breath and jumped.

Where is Rose?

What is on a diving board.


What building has the most stories?

What is a library.


Mrs. Bailey’s class had been hearing an annoying scratching noise in the closet behind Mrs. Bailey’s desk for months. They were quite astonished when all the sudden, a mouse darted out of the closet and ran across the room. 

In this paragraph, the word darted means that the mouse-- 

What is moved quickly


Some months have thirty days and some have thirty-one. 

How many have twenty-eight days?

What is all of them.


Mia stamps her feet and crosses her arms. 

What can you infer about how she feels?

What is angry, upset, mad


What two things that you need to make an inference?

What is clues or evidence from text and background/prior knowledge.


What can you catch but not throw?

What is a cold.


Passage /pasij/ noun 1. a journey or voyage: The passage by ship took more than two weeks 2. a way through: Not many people know about the passage in the woods that leads to my house 3. a section or piece of writing: We were asked to read the passage and answer the questions 4. the passing of a law by a legislature: The passage of the bill into law was met with cheers.

Sentence: The coal miners were trying to find a passage through the mountain. 

Which is the best definition of the word passage as it is used in the sentence? 

What is Definition 2


David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle...and who else?

What is David.


What does swing mean in this sentence?

Sara Smith, our best baseball player, can really swing a bat.

What is to move in a motion


What can you infer about this setting?

Mr. Furlich is munching on his lunch. There is a lot of noise as he walks by the table chatting with students.

What is he is in the cafeteria


What's always found on the ground but never gets dirty?

What is your shadow.


The groundskeeper at the zoo was concerned about the amount of trash the visitors at the zoo were throwing on the ground causing a risk to the wildlife and causing pollution at the zoo. To minimize the trash on the ground, he placed more trash cans throughout the park and signs that warned visitors not to throw trash on the zoo grounds. 

The word minimize in this paragraph means —

What is to reduce, lessen


What has hands but doesn’t clap?

What is clock.


Today is Mark’s birthday! Tommy is very excited. Mark’s party is going to be at a ranch. All of the kids will get to ride horses. Mark puts on his jeans and boots. He is putting on his hat when he hears “ping, ping, ping, ping” against his window. He walks to the door and looks out just as thunder rolls. He turns around sadly, and says, “Mom, I guess we can’t ride the horses now!”

Why does Tommy say that he will not get to ride the horses? How do you know?

(Be sure to use the word "because" in your response.)

What is Tommy will not get to ride the horse because it is about to start raining. I know because it says ping ping on the window and the thunder is rolling in.


His mother understood then how Tyrell felt just by looking at him. She saw that he wanted to stay in the house forever because of all the memories he had at this old place. They still had to leave, but she wanted to help her son feel better about what was going to happen in a few days.
The reader can infer that Tyrell and his mom is-

What is moving houses


Alex’s dad has 3 daughters, Marie, Christine, what’s the name of the third daughter?

What is Alex.


What does plot mean in this sentence?

In the movie, a group of criminals plot to steal a valuable painting.

What is to make a plan


What asks but never answers?

What is an owl.


What does cloak mean in this sentence?

The weather report says that thick, gray fog will cloak the entire city.

What is to cover


Braedon sat in the empty classroom and stared at the floor. It was 4:30pm and school had been over for half an hour, but he still had to sit there. He could over hear his teacher talking to the principal in the hallway about what had happened during class. He put his head in his hands and sighed.
What may the reader best infer from the passage?

What is Braedon is in detention for misbehaving.


You are driving and you are hungry and thirsty.On the road you find 2 doors.1 has food and 1 has water(drinkable).:

Question:What door do you open first?

What is your car door.


I was supposed to meet my brother to look for rocks for the pond that our father was building in the backyard. I spotted a few rocks about five feet down. Without waiting for my brother, I began to climb down the steep side of the ravine to grab a few rocks that I knew my father would like. 

Which word is a synonym for ravine as it is used in the paragraph above? 

bird,  boulder,  ditch,  meadow

What is a ditch


What room do ghosts avoid?

What is the living room.


Caroline took a math test yesterday. She is not sure how she did. The test was hard! Mrs. Fisher is giving back the tests now. Caroline watches as her friends get their papers back. Some smile and some frown. Caroline bites her lip. She is worried. Mrs. Fisher smiles as she gives Caroline’s paper back. Caroline peeks at the grade, and she smiles at Mrs. Fisher.

How do you think Caroline did on the test? Why do you think that?

(Be sure to use the word "because" in your response.)

What is Caroline got a good grade on her test. I know this because Mrs. Fisher smiles at Caroline and she smiles back at Mrs. Fisher.