What is Ms. Johnson's biggest rule?
No touching
What time does school get out?
3:25 pm
What does the "R" stand for in RAM way?
Respect All
When should we sharpen our pencil?
Any time as long as Mrs. Johnson is not talking, a student is not talking to the class, or during a video
Who was Mrs. Johnson's 2024 Spotify Wrapped top artist?
Hint: We listened to the class playlist A LOT!
Taylor Swift
How many people get candy in Kahoot! or Blooket?
Top 3
What principal/vice principal attended WGMS when they were a kid?
Ms. Beall
What does the "A" stand for in RAM way?
Achieve your best
What is our late work policy?
All late work accepted with no points taken off
How many bones has Mrs. Johnson broken?
2. She broke both arms.
What is the rule about eating in class?
Allowed ONLY IF you clean up after
Which of the following sports does WGMS not have:
a. Water polo
b. Track and field
c. Pickleball
d. Volleyball
What does the "M" stand for in RAM way?
Make responsible choices
What is the procedure for when you don't have a charger?
Ask the people around you and if not, borrow from the office.
How many years has Mrs. Johnson been with her husband?
What is our homework?
Coming with a charged chromebook or chromebook and charger
When was WGMS founded?
What is one way we should make responsible choices in the locker room?
Lock things in the locker, dress out in P.E. clothes, stay within boundaries, report incidents
What is the procedure for getting water?
One person at a time. Take the bathroom pass. Don't be gone for more than a minute.
What is Mrs. Johnson's favorite sport to watch?
UFC (MMA fighting)
What are the rules about cell phones and headphones in Mrs. Johnson's class?
No cell phones. No headphones. No exceptions.
What was the original name of WGMS?
Edwin Markham
Wait patiently, be quiet, keep area clean, use at appropriate times, return to class quickly
What is the procedure for 15 minute Friday?
Be silent. Pick a book to read.
What type of cat is Mrs. Johnson's?
Tortishell Calico