What does REM stand for?
Rapid Eye Movement
Left Brain is more . . .
Logic, math, science, engineering
Open hands =
trustworthy, open, non-threatening etc.
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts =
How many days until school is out?
(Not seniors)
10 Days
How many sleep stage are there?
Right brain is more . . .
creative, artistic, literature, writing
Crosed legs=
comfort / confidence
Trouble concentrating, stomach aches, sweating nausea=
Taylor Swift's latest album
Midnights <3
What are the sleep stages called?
Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, and REM.
Extroverts . . . .
Get energy from being around people, love big crowds etc.
Rapid blinking=
Surprise, shock, excitement
Symptoms of a panic attack
Rapid heart rate, hyperventilation, shaking & trembling, blurry vision, chest pain, sweating.
Ryan Reynold's zodiac sign?
How many days can one go without sleep?
About 11 days
(264 Hours)
Introverts . . . .
Get energy from being alone and prefer smaller groups of people
Leg shaking
Self-soother for anxiety or nervousness, could also be out of habit
Need for perfection or symmetry, fear of contamination unreasonable doubt for personal safety.
Where is a shrimp's heart located?
In its head :)
The 1947 Soviet experiment that kept enemies of state awake for 30 consecutive days?
The Russian Sleep Experiment.
Personality tests are only ___% accurate
___% of the population bite their nails
What part of the brain in mainly different in serial killers?
Left temporal lobe.
What is the square root of 625?