Noah's Faith
God's Commands
God's Promise
The Flood's Purpose
Noah's Story

Why did Noah build the ark?

Because he had faith in God's warning about the flood.


What specific task did God give Noah?

To build an ark to save his family and animals from the flood.


What sign did God give to Noah as a promise?

A rainbow.


What was the reason God sent the flood?

God sent the flood because humanity had become wicked and corrupt, and He needed to cleanse the earth.


What is the main lesson from Noah's story?

The importance of faith and obedience to God.


Why did everyone call Noah crazy for building the ark?

He was building the ark even when no one believed that the flood was coming.


How did Noah respond to God's instructions?

He followed them exactly as God commanded.


What was the promise God made to Noah?

He would never flood the earth again.


How long did the flood last, and what did it accomplish?

The flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights, wiping out all life except for Noah, his family, and the animals on the ark.


How did Noah’s faith affect his family?

His family was saved because of Noah’s obedience and faithfulness to God.


What was unique about Noah's faith compared to others in his time?

Noah remained righteous and faithful to God in a corrupt world.


Did Noah question God's plan?

No, he trusted and obeyed without doubt.


How did Noah respond to God's covenant?

He built an altar and worshiped God.


How did God create the flood?

He sent rain and unleashed the springs.


What does Noah's story teach about perseverance?

To remain faithful and obedient, even when facing challenges.


How is Noah's faith described in the Bible?

As unwavering and obedient to God's commands.


What specific material did God tell Noah to use to build the ark?

Gopher wood OR sticky wood.


How can we see God’s promises in our lives today?

Through answered prayers, His guidance, and His Word.


What did the flood reveal about God’s judgment?

The flood revealed that God judges wickedness but also provides a way for the righteous to be saved.


What does Noah’s story teach us about our relationship with God?

We should be obedient, faithful, and trust in God’s plan for our lives.


What can we learn from Noah's faith?

To trust in God's plan, even when it's not fully understood.


According to the Bible, did God instruct Noah to only take two of every animal?

No! For clean animals and birds, he was to take seven of each kind.


How is God's covenant with Noah relevant today?

It reminds us of God's enduring promises and mercy.


The floodwaters stopped after reaching the peak of what mountain?

None, the floodwaters covered all the mountains of the earth.


What can we apply from Noah's story to our lives today?

To trust in God's plan and follow His guidance wholeheartedly.