1. The ____ rehearsal of the play was magnificent!
2. I don't think you should buy this ___. It's ugly.
He was ____ along the beach. Savouring every second of his freedom.
a) running
b) ambling
c) walking
d) trudging
b) ambling
Whoa, don't _________________ I'm just the messenger here. Talk to the boss if you're unhappy with this decision.
(means: to yell at or scold one harshly, often unexpectedly)
jump down my throat
When was the last time you jumped down someone's throat?
Public support is a prerequisite _____ the success of this project.
How we name a talent/skill/ability with what the person was born?
innate talent/skill/ability
What innate talent do you have?
1. We had to ____track to the corner and cross the street.
2. My ____ aches. I need to go to the doctor.
3. We decided not to fight ____ with the teacher.
1. My car only has a ____ little engine.
a) powerful
b) puny
c) fast
d) crazy
b) puny
1. Our small company has been growing ____________ over the past year, thanks in no small part to our aggressive new marketing campaign.
(means: by very large degrees; rapidly or in quick progress forward)
2. I have _____________ over that cool new car I saw, and I can't stop thinking about it.
(means: a single idea or a thought that remains in one's mind; an obsession)
1. by leaps and bounds
2. a bee in my bonnet
1. I have no idea how they got investors to buy ____ their totally unproven product.
2. Rod's a good enough coach, but he just can't get the players to buy ____ his system.
1. to make a financial investment in a business or similar venture.
2. to believe in and support an idea, concept, or system.
The bell sounded for the beginning of the lesson, and, right _____ , the teacher walked in.
(means: just at the appropriate moment)
on cue
1. I bought this wallet in Egypt for a _____.
2. Have you already chosen the ____ for the cover?
I thought about those days in Spain and grew ____.
a) sad
b) wistful
c) happy
d) confused
b) wistful
She can be very sociable when/if ______ her.
(means: when she likes)
the mood takes
1. Most actors thrive ____ positive recognition but react badly to negative criticism.
2. Jane took ____ her new hobby like a duck to water!
3. We were hard-pressed ____ our new ideas.
1. on
2. to
3. for
No one was convinced by his g____ answers/explanations/responses.
(means: confident but with little thought or sincerity)
1. I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very _____.
2. She was wearing a most _____ dress at Sam's dinner party.
(means: attractive or exciting)
There is a strong negative ______ between developments and investments.
a) relationship
b) correlation
c) chain
d) link
What a fabulous party, Mary—you really _______________!
They ________________ to win the contract.
(means: to do something with maximum effort or ability; to use all or the best available resources when doing something.)
pull out all the stops
He took folk music and m___ it with pop.
(means: united, joined, combined)
She gets _____ when she doesn't get enough sleep.
The baby is _____ because he is teething.
After a long day at work, he can be quite _____.
We didn't get much done because we just d_____ at the project all afternoon.
Oh, I only d_____ in painting when I was younger—it's not like I went to art school or anything.