Multiple meaning

Graduation is a doorway to new adventures, opening up a world of possibilities just waiting to be explored.

metaphor, excitement for what comes after graduation/ different and more adventures coming as you move on


The inspector checked the bridge to ensure workers did not cut corners.

What does the phrase " cut corners" mean?

take the easy way out/ Something done badly to save money


When Mia returned home from school, she noticed a small dog wandering around her front yard. It looked lost and scared, with mud on its paws and a collar that seemed too loose. After checking for any tags and finding none, she decided to give the dog some food and water. As she sat down with the dog, she realized it seemed to trust her more than she expected.
Inference Question: What do you think Mia might do next regarding the lost dog?

- Mia might decide to keep the dog until she finds the owner. 

-She could also think about searching the neighborhood to see if anyone is looking for it. 



-a pause

-to separate, shatter


Hitting a home run feels like launching a rocket into space, soaring high above the field and leaving the world behind.

simile, a sense of excitement and accomplishment after hitting home run


We only go out to eat once in a blue moon, so it’s always a special treat when we do! 

What does once in a blue moon mean?

Something that rarely happens, not often


The championship game was tied, and the final quarter was ticking down. Jordan, the star quarterback, felt the pressure mounting as he huddled with his teammates on the field. Their coach called a play that Jordan had practiced countless times, but he could sense the tension in the air. As they broke the huddle, he noticed the opposing team’s defense shifting, ready to intercept any pass he made. With only seconds left on the clock, Jordan surveyed the field, his heart pounding. He spotted his best friend and wide receiver, Tyler, making a break toward the end zone, but the defense was closing in fast.

Inference Question: What do you think Jordan might do next in the game?

Jordan might decide to throw the ball to Tyler, trusting his friend to catch it and score. Alternatively, he could choose to run the ball himself if he thinks that’s the best option to win the game. If he keeps the ball and the other team intercepts the ball, he could lose the game.



-vacation, adventure



The school hallway was a maze, with lockers lining the walls. As Jake walked to his locker, he felt like a fish out of water, unsure and out of place among the bustling crowd. When he finally spotted his friends, relief washed over him, turning the maze into a welcoming garden filled with laughter and support.

What are three similes/metaphors in this passage and what do they mean?

The school hallway was a maze- Metaphor, the hallway is confusing, with many twists and turns.

He felt like a fish out of water- Simile, Jake’s discomfort and unease in the busy hallway. 

The maze into a welcoming garden- Metaphor, the hallway went from a confusing space into a comfortable one when he finds his friends


Losing that job was a blessing in disguise; it pushed me to pursue my passion for art.

What does a blessing in disguise mean?

Something that seems bad at first but turns out to be good


It was the first week of gym class, and Mrs. Carter announced a friendly competition: a relay race. Excitement filled the air as everyone paired up into teams. Mia and her best friend, Sam, decided to team up, eager to prove they could win. As the whistle blew, Mia sprinted down the track, feeling the adrenaline rush through her. She passed the baton to Sam, who took off like a rocket, determined to catch up to the leading team. Just as they approached the final stretch, they noticed that the fastest runner, Jake, had tripped and fallen. With the finish line in sight, Mia and Sam had to make a quick decision about what to do next.

Inference Question: What do you think might happen next in the race, and how could it affect the outcome?

Mia and Sam might decide to slow down to help Jake, which could allow another team to take the lead. This choice could lead to a dramatic finish, depending on whether they can recover and catch up after helping him. Alternatively, they could choose to keep running, which might secure their victory but could leave Jake without support.


"to view" and "a body of water." 



As the day to get her braces removed drew closer, Mia felt like a bird poised to take flight, ready to soar into a world of confidence. The thought of smiling without metal felt like stepping into the sunlight after a long winter, promising warmth and brightness in her life.  

What are two similes/metaphors in this passage and what do they mean?

felt like a bird poised to take flight- simile, she is excited to get her braces off

felt like stepping into the sunlight after a long winter- simile, the feeling of relief and happiness associated with getting her braces off


With the science project due tomorrow, Marcus was burning the midnight oil to finish his experiments. 

What does burning the midnight oil mean?

Staying up late to work or study


The day of the big track meet had finally arrived, and Ethan was feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. He had trained for months for this 400-meter race, and everyone on the team was counting on him to perform well. As he lined up at the starting blocks, he glanced at the other runners, including his biggest rival, Liam, who seemed confident and focused. The starter’s gun fired, and Ethan took off, feeling the adrenaline rush through him. As he reached the halfway mark, he noticed Liam gaining on him. Ethan pushed himself harder, remembering the countless early mornings and late-night practices. As they approached the final stretch, he had to decide whether to sprint ahead or conserve some energy for a strong finish.

Inference Question: How might Ethan’s feelings before the race influence his performance during the final stretch?

Ethan’s feelings of excitement and nerves could drive him to push himself harder, fueling his determination to win. 

If his nerves become overwhelming, it could cause him to second-guess himself, potentially impacting his pacing and strategy in the final stretch.


The dog began to bark loudly at the stranger. 

What does this "bark" refer to? What is the other meaning?

sound a dog makes

bark of a tree/ outer covering of a tree


As the clock ticked down, Jamie dribbled the ball like a heartbeat, each bounce echoing in her chest. She could feel the weight of the game pressing on her shoulders, like a mountain she had to climb. With one swift move, she launched the ball toward the hoop, watching it soar like a bird taking flight. When it swished through the net, the roar of the crowd enveloped her, a wave of triumph crashing over her.

What are four similes/metaphors in this passage and what do they mean?

dribbled the ball like a heartbeat- simile, dribbling with rhythm

the weight of the game pressing on her shoulders, like a mountain she had to climb- simile, the heavy pressure Jamie feels from the game feels like a challenge

soar like a bird taking flight- simile, the ball moved in the air like a bird

a wave of triumph rushing over her- metaphor, overwhelming joy and excitement Jamie feels after making the shot


It’s no use crying over spilled milk; we lost the game, but we can learn from it. 

What does crying over spilled milk mean?

To be upset about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.


As the science fair approached, Liam was pacing around the room. He had spent weeks on his renewable energy project, a small solar-powered model, but the thought of presenting made his stomach twist. On the morning of the fair, he set up his project, noticing other students with flashy displays that made him doubt his own work. When it was his turn to present, Liam took a deep breath and began explaining his model. As he spoke, the judges showed interest and asked questions. At the end of the day, Liam received a special recognition award, realizing that sharing his passion for science was the true victory.

What can be inferred about how Liam’s feelings changed from the beginning to the end of the fair?

It can be inferred that Liam’s feelings shifted from self-doubt at the beginning of the fair to confidence and pride by the end. Initially, he was nervous about competing and unsure if his project would measure up to others. However, as he presented and engaged with the judges, his confidence grew.


The judge made a fair decision in the case.

What does this "fair" refer to? What is the other meaning?

impartial/ honest

an event with rides and prizes in a town OR payment for transportation (fare)