What is the theory that suggests motivation arises from biological instincts?
What is Instinct Theory?
hormone is primarily responsible for stimulating appetite
What is Ghrelin?
Define set point theory
What is the idea that the body has a predetermined weight that it seeks to maintain?
What is an approach-approach conflict?
What is a conflict where a person must choose between two desirable options?
List universally recognized emotions
What are happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust?
Name the motivation theory that emphasizes the importance of fulfilling basic psychological needs to achieve personal growth.
What is Self-Determination Theory?
hormone signals satiety and helps regulate body weight
What is Leptin?
How does glucose affect hunger?
What is low glucose levels trigger hunger while high levels signal satiety?
Describe approach-avoidance conflict.
What is a situation where a person is drawn to and repelled by the same goal?
What are happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust?
What is emotions can guide choices by affecting the perception of risks and benefits?
What is the term for the reduction of a drive that occurs through the fulfillment of a need?
What is the term for the reduction of a drive that occurs through the fulfillment of a need?
the part of the brain responsible for regulating hunger and thirst
What is the Hypothalamus?
Describe the role of stomach contractions in the feeling of hunger.
What is stomach contractions signal hunger to the brain?
What is avoidance-avoidance conflict?
What is a situation where a person must choose between two undesirable options?
Similar to the facial feedback effect, this behavioral phenomenon suggests that our actions influence not only our own emotions but also the emotions and behaviors of those around us.
What is the behavior feedback effect?
Define the concept of sensation-seeking in relation to motivation
What is the pursuit of novel and intense experiences?
gland works alongside the hypothalamus to control various endocrine functions related to hunger
What is the Pituitary Gland?
What physiological mechanism is involved in regulating energy balance?
What is the interaction between hormones like ghrelin and leptin?
What is a situation where a person must choose between two undesirable options?
What is a conflict involving multiple options, each with positive and negative aspects?
This effect explains how our facial expressions can influence our emotions by triggering corresponding feelings in our body
What is the facial feedback effect?
Explain the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
What are motivations driven by internal rewards versus those driven by external rewards?
the role of the hypothalamus in hunger regulation
What is detecting changes in nutrient levels and hormone signals to maintain energy balance?
What is the interaction between hormones like ghrelin and leptin?
What is hunger increases when energy needs are high and decreases when satisfied?
Discuss how conflicts can impact emotional well-being.
What is conflicts can lead to stress and anxiety, affecting overall mental health?
This theory suggests that experiencing positive emotions helps expand thought patterns and build long-term psychological, social, and cognitive resources.
What is the broaden-and-build theory?