What is the largest country in the world by area?
International Bank Account Number
„Ich möchte dir von ganzem Herzen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest wünschen.“
« Je tiens à te souhaiter de tout cœur un joyeux Noël ».
Feliz Navidad
Which new sport was introducedat the 2024 Olympic Games?
Which burns more calories: 1 hour of playing Fortnite or 1 hour of pooping?
Playing Fortnite burns more calories.
G7 (Group of Seven) Members
United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan
Save our Souls
Süße Caroline, gute Zeiten schienen nie so gut zu sein.
Douce Caroline, les bons momentsn'ont jamais semblé aussi bons.
Sweet Caroline
Which country won the 2024 FIFA Women's World Cup?
Who is richer: Elon Musk or Bruce Wayne?
In how many countries is the Euro used as currency?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
Ich bin verliebt in deine Form. Wir ziehen uns an und stoßen uns ab wie ein Magnet.
Je suis amoureux de tes formes. Nous nous attirons et nous nousrepoussons comme un aimant.
Shape of you
How many medalsdid Germany and France win at the2024 Olympic Games?
33 & 64
Sort these individuals by their estimated net worth, from richest to least rich: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Michael Jordan.
Which historical or legendary figures are traditionally represented by the four kings in a standard deck of playing cards?
away from keyboard
Hör nicht auf zu glauben, halte an diesem Gefühl fest.
Ne cesse pas d'y croire, accroche-toià ce sentiment.
Don't stop believing
Which European country most recently joined NATO?
Sort the following activities by calories burned, from highest to lowest: football game, boxing match, 18 holes of golf (walking).
What are the names of the two World Wars' most famous post-war peace treaties, and which wars did they end?
United Nations Children's Fund
Wir hätten alles haben können, tief im Schmerz versinkend.
Nous aurions pu tout avoir, plongés au plus profond de la douleur.
Rolling in the Deep
Who was the oldest elected president in history?
Donald Trump
Sort the following characters by their estimated wealth, from richest to least rich: Black Panther, Mister Monopoly, Scrooge McDuck, and Charles Montgomery Burns.