How do you spell 감사하다 in English?
+200 points
What is the name of the teacher who drove the students to Magic Land?
Coach Kimura
Pick up a popsong and sing together.
Then you will have something nice.
Swap point
Where does the substitute teacher leave Leo?
In the Everglades
answer in 3 seconds
기념하다, 미끄러지다, 뒤집다, 불안해 하는
celebrate, slip, flip, nervous
Which country does Leo live in?
1) Mexico
2) Canada
3) England
4) The United States
4) The United States
What is the name of the Character with the drone?
1) Leo
2) Eli
3) Peter
4) Susie
내가 뽑히면 좋겠다..
I wanna get picked.
awesome ->
조용한 ->
tend ->
1. awful
2. quiet
3. ~하는 경향이 있다.
확대, 자신감 있는
extension, confident
Take away the other team's Chocolate.
You got lucky
+300 from the other team.
Please, I'm ___________ you to keep quiet.
No points but chocolate
1) 나는 이 대화에서 빼줘.
2) 나는 내 가장 친한 친구를 질투했어.
1) Please, take me off this chat.
2) I got jealous of my best friend.
1. 넌 왜 그걸 계속 가리키는 거야?
2. 그걸 왜 나한테 말하는데?
1. Why do you keep pointing to it?
2. Why are you talking to me?
1. 중요한건 많은 아이들이 하나의 재주 쯤은 있다고.
2. 저 끔찍한 여자를 어떻게 하면 교체 할 수 있을까?
1. The point is plenty of kids have a gimmick.
2. How do I get that horrible woman replaced?
1. 이 파충류가 뭐 그렇게 특별하다고 하는거야?
2. 레오 덕분에 네가 이 바보 같은 여행을 가는거라고.
1. Why is so special about this reptile?
2. Leo's the reason you got this stupid trip.
Credit, pathetic
공,공로 / 불쌍한,한심한
: )))))
What comes down but never goes up?
Chocolate Bonus
How old is Leo?
Swap again
1. 난 내가 긴장하면 좀 탈피를 하곤해.
2. 넌 내가 어떤 것이라도 다 할 수 있게끔 느끼게해.
3. 난 다이어트 중이야.
4. 나 살 빠졌어.
5. 나 살 쪘어.
Take away the other team's +500 score.
1. When I get nervous, I tend to molt
2. You made me feel like I could do anything.
3. I'm on a diet.
4. I gained weight.
5. I lost weight.