What is "deep customer empathy"?
Understanding the customer
Name a Brainstorming Method
[Hint: how do you brainstorm for a test]
1) Sticky Notes
2) 7 to get 1
3) Mash-up Brainstorming
4) Starbursting
What is an 'Assumption'?
A belief about an idea that must be true for the idea to be successful.
Define 'Prototypes'
A mock-up or model of the final product
How to gain "deep customer empathy"?
[Hint: one word]
Name an Observation Method
[Points available to description]
1) Customer Safari: in person observation
2) Follow-Me-Home: team visits customer home
3)Clickstream Review: website navigation
What is 'Metrics'?
A method used to measure results.
What does MVP stand for?
minimum viable product
Who is involved in Observation?
[Multiple people required for answer]
Customer and Observer
Define Go-Broad
[Hint: Go Board to Go Narrow]
to generate lots of solution ideas
What is a Leap-of-Faith Assumption?
A risky assumption that has yet to be true
One statement from the ideal state statement
1)In a perfect world
2)The biggest benefit
3)Which makes me feel
3 Metrics to Customer Delight
Customer Benefit, Ease, Positive emotion
Define Go-Narrow
[Hint: Go Board to Go Narrow]
Find the best idea out of all ideas
What is 'Groupthink'?
The act of thinking or making a decision as a group that removes individual responsibility and/or creativity.
An issue that a customer encounters while using your product or service
Customer Problem
How are observations done?
Done without judgement or bias
What is a 'pain-point'?
A specific problem customer encounters that causes frustration
What is Empathy?
The ability to understand another person and their feelings.
Number one requirement of a Successful Experiment
Leap-of-Faith Assumption