Conspiracy Theories
We Are the World
Media Literacy
Bystander Effect-Humanities

Conspiracy theorists believe what federal agency is behind the “fake” moon landing?



Our Everest unit was concentrated on one climbing season. What year was that?



Who was Gwen Shamblin and what did she believe?

The leader of Remnant Fellowship; that the true faithful had to be thin and give (substantial) control of their lives to church leaders.


“We Are the World” was written to raise funds to do what?

Help ease famine in Ethiopia.


Who was J. Bruce Ismay and why did he become infamous after Titanic sunk?

Chairman of White Star Line.

Pushed to go faster; got in a lifeboat when so many other people died (especially passengers).


What is media literacy?

The ability to analyze stories/posts presented in mass media and/or social media and determine their accuracy or credibility.


What is the Bystander Effect?

When the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime.


Who started the conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook shooting didn’t really happen?

Alex Jones.


Why is the top of Everest called the death zone?

Lack of oxygen (also freezing temperatures/huge weather fluctuations).


How do cult leaders retain members’ loyalty and devotion?

Isolation, guilt/fear and appealing to something missing in someone's life outside the group.


Who were the two musicians who wrote “We Are the World?”

Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson.


What positive changes were made because of Titanic?

Lifeboat requirements were updated; ship radios were required to be on and monitored 24/7; ice patrols were formed; work toward what would become sonar technology was begun.


“Confirmation bias” is what?

The tendency to seek out or interpret information to confirm one's own beliefs or opinions.


What is the difference between apathy and complacency?

Apathy is a lack of urgency; complacency is a lack of conviction to strive for anything better.


What can you do to prevent sharing misinformation or disinformation?

Confirm with fact-checking sites; see if there's more than one source for a post or story.


What was the biggest choice made by Rob Hall that cost lives on Everest?

Broke his own rule about 2 p.m. turnaround time.


What happened to cause Jim Jones to decide to lead mass suicide at Jonestown?

Visit from Congressman Leo Ryan/defection of cult members (and subsequent murder of Ryan and others after they left Jonestown).


What was the name of the group that recorded “We Are the World?”

USA for Africa.


One officer saved nearly 2/3 of the people who survived Titanic’s sinking. Who was he?

First Officer William Murdoch.


What is the difference between misinformation and disinformation?

Misinformation - false or inaccurate information (not purposeful).

Disinformation - purposely deceitful false or misleading information.


What is empathy?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


This picture, taken at __________________, disproves what conspiracy theory?

Summit of Mount Everest.

The earth is flat.


How has commercial climbing impacted safety for people climbing Mount Everest?

So many people attempting to summit at one time has made it much more crowded (and extended the time climbers are in the death zone).


What did the Heaven’s Gate cult believe?

They could transform into extraterrestrial beings and ascend to the "next level."


What was the name of the musician/actor who had the idea to create an American song to help address Ethiopian famine?

Harry Belafonte.


Why were some of the survivors in the lifeboats criticized after Titanic sank?

They didn't go back, although there was room for more people in nearly every lifeboat.


Oklahoma Senate Bill 1314, which we discussed in class, would do what if approved as it was written?

Would require all Oklahoma public school districts to ban student cell phones at all school sites.


What subjects are a major part of humanities?

History, Literature, Art/Music, Communications, Philosophy, Law, Sociology, Geography


What is one of the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11?

It was an "inside job;" U.S. government let it happen.


For what reason have Everest climbers been criticized by the public?

Leaving fellow climbers to die.


What was the significance of the Branch Davidians – in 1993 and in 1995?

1993 - Armed conflict-standoff with federal agents ending in deaths of 82 Branch Davidians and four federal agents.

1994 - Catalyst for Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols bombing the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City.


Why was “We Are the World” significant?

It was the first time such a large group of artists from a variety of genres got together to record something to help others.


Why was the book “Futility” an important part of the Titanic story?

It was published 14 years before Titanic sank and had many eerie similarities to the disaster (name of the ship, how it sank, how many people died, etc.).


What is the difference between propaganda and fake news?

Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view. Fake news refers to false information or hoaxes deliberately spread to deceive or mislead people.


What is the "human condition?"

The general experiences that people go through regardless of what sets us all apart.