Four Score
Seven Years Ago
A New Nation

Lionel Messi scored 4 goals for Barcelona on April 6, 2010; 13 years before his transfer to this south beach adjacent MLS side

What is InterMiami?

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced La La Land as the 2017 Best Picture Award winner, though it actually this film that took home best picture

What is Moonlight?


Before his work drafting the Declaration of Independence, this future President served as defense attorney for the British soldiers tried for roles Boston Massacre

Who is John Adams?


South Sudan, located on this continent, became the world's youngest nation on July 9, 2011

What is Africa?


This brown, flightless bird is the tongue-in-cheek mascot for Liberty Mutual Insurance

What is the emu?


This type of home run results in the most runs, 4, that can be scored in a single baseball at-bat

What is a grand slam?


TV's original Batman, this campy actor passed away in 2017

Who is Adam West?


These Dayton, Ohio bicycle builders became the forefathers of aviation

Who are Orville and Wilbur Wright?

The 1707 Acts of Union united the two kingdoms ruled by Queen Anne, forming this nation

What is the United Kingdom of Great Britain?


Call sign EWR, New York Liberty Airport is actually located in this city

What is Newark, NJ?


This interstate highway stretches from the San Francisco Bay Area to Ocean City, Maryland

What is Interstate 80?


He became the 48th Vice President of the United States on January 20, 2017

Who is Mike Pence?


In 2004, the Pentagon established an exhibit honoring Generals Hap Arnold, Billy Mitchell, and Frank Andrews as the forefathers of this branch of the U.S. military

What is the Air Force?


On January 1, 1993 this nation split in two, becoming Slovakia and the Czech Republic

What is Czechoslovakia?


Liberty is the name of this former POW turned U.S. Senator's granddaughter, the eldest child of his daughter Meghan

Who is John McCain?


In addition to 5 Oscars, 3 Emmys, and 23 Grammys, this composer has won 4 Golden Globe Awards for his film scores

Who is John Williams?


Pippa Middleton, the sister and maid of honor of this Princess, was married in 2017, the same year her sister announced she was pregnant with her third child, the future Prince Louis

Who is the Katherine, the Princess of Wales?


This controversial Catholic priest, who established missions throughout California in the late-1700's and Canonized as a Saint in 2015, is widely considered the forefather of modern California

Who is Junípero Serra?


This country became a self-governing dominion of the British Empire in 1867; full independence from the United Kingdom did not come until 1982, more than 200 years after its neighbor to the south

What is Canada?


Liberty University, in this southern state, was founded by Jerry Falwell; the school sued son Jerry Falwell, Jr. $40 million in 2021 for professional malfeasance during his tenure as President

What is Virginia?


19 people have scored this grand slam of American creative arts awards, most recently Elton John when he claimed an Emmy on January 15, 2024 for his Disney+ concer special

What is an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony)?


The New England Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI; she jumped from the roof of the stadium in a prerecorded sequence as part of her halftime show

Who is Lady Gaga?


Jawid Karim became the forefather of streamers on April 23, 2005 when he uploaded "Me at the zoo" to this website, which he cofounded with 2 friends

What is YouTube?


In 1929, Pope Pius XI and Benito Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty, creating this independent state; the Swiss Guard have served as its armed forces since the 15th century

What is Vatican City?


On July 30, 1916 German spies detonated 2 million pounds of explosives bound for the United Kingdom at the Black Tom rail yard in New Jersey; damage to this monument resulted in the permanent closure of the uppermost portion of this national icon

What is the Statue of Liberty?