Kappa Alpha Psi is nicknamed this.
Who are the Nupes?
Alpha Kappa Alpha represents what colors?
What is Pink + Green?
The style of dancing that D9's do.
What is Strolling/Stepping?
Some orgs practice this sort of tradition involving their skin.
What is branding?
Sigma Gamma Rho is nicknamed "___"
Who are The Poodles?
This is the brother frat to the AKAs.
The fraternity that is most likely to be seen without a shirt while strolling/stepping.
Who are the Que Dogs/Ques/Omega Psi Phi?
Serena from Love Island USA S6 is an alum of this org.
Who are the AKA/Alpha Kappa Alpha?
What is Crossing the Burning Bridge?
The oldest established org in D9.
Who is Alpha Phi Alpha?
This sorority was founded in 1920 at Howard, and their colors are blue and white.
Who is Zeta Phi Beta?
Multiple schools were formed at this college/university.
What is Howard University?
This frat was formed in 1963 at Morgan State, their colors are brown and gold.
Who is Iota Phi Theta?
D9's say this when referring to others in their org.
What is a Soror?
Howard University is this type of university.
What is an HBCU?