Ôda wligenowi!
It's not good!
Ôda wlipogwadowi ni ta ôda wlimôgwadowi.
That thing doesn't taste good and it doesn't smell good.
Ôda wlinôgwadowi ni ala ôda wlitôgwadowi ni?
That thing doesn't look good or that thing doesn't sound good?
Ôda majimamgwadowi, wji ni ôda majidahômgwadowi.
It doesn't feel bad (to the body), for that it may not be considered bad (in the heart/mind).
Ôda osagigenowi ni wzômi ôda osagalemgwadowi.
That thing is not hard/bitter, because/too much it is not bitter-y-wished.
Be blessed/well-wished (by someone)!
in the morning...
Ôda ôsaskigenowi!
It's not strangely new!
Majipogwat ni ta majimôgwat!
That thing tastes bad and it smells bad!
.Ôda sibsinôgwadowi ni ala ôda sibsitôgwadowi ni?
That thing doesn't look bird-y or that thing doesn't sound bird-y?
Ôda wskimamgwadowi ni, wji ni ôda wskidahômgwadowi.
That thing doesn't feel new (to the body) for that it may not be considered new (to the heart/mind).
Ôda negemigenowi wzômi ôda negemalemgwadowi.
It isn't easy because/too much it isn't ease-y-wished.
Be beloved (by someone)!
Pamgisgat pamgisgak.
It is today, while/when it is today.
It's not easy!
Ôda negemigenowi!
That thing is strangely-wonderous tasting and it's strangely-wonderous smelling!
Ôshagipogwat ni ta ôshagimôgwat.
Ôda namasinôgwadowi ni ala ôda namasitôgwadowi ni?
That thing doesn't look fish-y or that thing doesn't sound fish-y.
It feels soft/smooth (to the body), for that it may be considered soft/smooth (to the heart/mind).
Nokimamgwat, wji ni nokidahômgwat.
It is good, because/too much it is well-wished.
Wligen wzômi wlalemgwat.
Be remembered (by someone)!
Paskwa paskwak.
It is noon, while/when it is noon.
It's not purple!
Ôda minôbowigenowi!
This thing is not onion-y-tasting and it's not onion-y-smelling.
Ôda winosipogwadowi io ta ôda winosimôgwadowi.
Ôda Tolbainôgwadowi io, ala ôda Tolbaitôgwadowi io?
Does this thing not look Turtle-y or does this thing not sound Turtle-y?
That thing doesn't feel dried up (to the body), for that it may not be considered dried up (to the heart/mind).
Ôda adbimamgwadowi ni, wji ni ôda adbidahômgwadowi.
That thing is not bad because/too much it is not cursed.
Ôda majigenowi ni wzômi ôda majalemgwadowi.
...because/too much...
Be known (by someone)!
during the day...
It's not cursed but it's not blessed!
Ôda majalemgwadowi kanwa ôda wlalemgwadowi!
This thing is not common/usual/Indian/funny-tasting, and this thing is not common/usual/Indian/funny-smelling
Ôda alnipogwadowi io ta ôda alnimôgwadowi io.
This thing doesn't look fisher-cat-y or it doesn't sound fisher-cat-y.
Ôda wlanigwinôgwadowi io ala ôda wlanigwitôgwadowi.
This thing doesn't feel sour (to the body), for that it may not be considered sour (to the heart/mind).
Ôda sowimamgwadowi io, wji ni ôda sowidahômgwadowi.
This path is not stony because/too much it is not stone-y-wished.
Ôda senigenowi io ôwdi wzômi ôda senalemgwadowi.
Be shown compassion (by someone)!
during the night...