Student Expectations
Homework and Grading

This course details terminology, anatomy and what related to dentistry.



What is the dress code for Charter College students in the dental assisting program?

Matching Charter issued scrub set that is clean and wrinkle free, short or long sleeve shirts worn under the scrub top, non-porous, closed toed shoes or sneakers, our nails are short and clean our hair if long is pulled back and our of our face, facial hair is kept neat, limited amount of jewelry worn.


Including your initial discussion post what other posts are due each week by Sunday?

At least two responses to classmates, more than a few sentence's long.


How do you access each weeks readings, homework, quizzes, and other resources?

In Canvas under DA1210, go to Modules on the left hand side and scroll down to the current week. 


In this course we will be learning about Angle's Classification of what?



How many total lab make-up days are you allowed to have per module and per program?

a maximum of one time during a module and a maximum of 2 times during the program


What should be completed before each F2F class to maximize learning and understanding the course materials?

Reading for the week has been read, key terms have been studied.


How do we access each weeks discussion thread to reply to classmates posts?

In Canvas under DA1210, click on discussions on the left hand side, scroll until you see the current weeks thread click on it, and find other students posts to respond to.


In this class we will be reading and learning from the 13th edition of what book, written by Bird & Robinson.

Modern Dental Assisting


If you have an emergency or unforeseen life event that delays homework submission, you have how many hours after the due date to submit your work with a 15% grade reduction.

72 hours


What day of the week do we need to have all assignments, quizzes and discussions completed?

Sunday of that week


Where can I view my current grades for this class?

In Canvas under grades on the left hand side, toggle left and right to view all posted grades, or use the What-if option to calculate desired grades.


What resource can we use to help us complete course assignments requiring a book, periodical, journal and or internet research?

The Virtual Library


True or False, make-up work done outside of class time will be accepted as hours for that classes attendance.



If we would like more time to practice specific lab skills when should we reach out to Miss Kayla to schedule that and what days is she available to do them?

At the end of the current weeks lab session, she is available for lab skill development hours on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Where can I find Miss Kayla's contact information?

On the course homepage in Canvas, scroll to the bottom, listed under instructor information


For this course emphasis will be placed on the anatomy of what along with various procedures preformed by the dental assistant.

Anatomy of the head and neck, pathology and oral histology.


Academic Integrity is of extreme importance to this campus, what disciplinary action is a result of willful cheating, including plagiarism?

An "F" grade and possible dismissal from Charter College


When are Miss Kayla's office hours for this Module?

Tuesdays from 9am-4pm


Where can I find the number for the student advising hotline?

On the course homepage in Canvas, scroll all the way to the bottom under student advising.