Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth?
8 minutes
What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?
What is the name of the deepest location in the world’s oceans?
Mariana trench
How many bones do sharks have?
What is the medical term for bad breath?
Which type of cloud is associated with thunderstorms?
What does a Geiger counter measure?
What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe?
Oxygen (21%)
What is the tallest type of grass?
What’s the name of the protein in blood that carries oxygen?
What’s the sun primarily made of?
Bronze is an alloy made of which two elements?
Copper and Tin
The mass of the earth is made up mostly of which two elements?
Iron (32%) and Oxygen (30%)
How many pairs of legs does an arachnid have?
4 pairs
What is the name for the amount of energy it takes to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius?
A calorie
Who was the first human to travel into space?
Yuri Gagarin
A diamond is the hardest substance on Earth according to what scale
Mohs Hardness Scale
What’s the largest desert on Earth?
What’s the only big cat that doesn’t roar?
What is the rarest blood type?
Which planet rotates on its side, with its axis tilted at over 90 degrees?
What is the name of the process where a substance goes directly from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid?
Name the three time periods of the dinosaurs.
Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous
What is the name of the nucleic acid that acts as a messenger in protein synthesis?
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
What is a group of parrots called?
A pandemonium